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Got Fireworks?

Photo by Rakicevic Nenad

You answer the phone. All you hear is popping, snapping static like a sparkler firework.

There are still wireline phones in use that are not HAC (Hearing Aid Compatible), and if you wear an aid or have a cochlear implant, fireworks may be all you hear.

Most of these assistive devices have a telecoil (or T-coil), which is designed to wirelessly communicate with telephones via electromagnetic signal rather than sound. The device then plays this as sound directly into the ear, resulting in a much cleaner sound for the listener.

Newer phones have handsets that are Hearing Aid Compatible, which means they can send an electromagnetic signal directly to the device.

In February of 2020, The Federal Communications Commission mandated all new wireline phones to be Hearing Aid Compatible, and labelled HAC. While not yet required for wireless phones, many manufacturers are already stepping up and complying with the regulations now.

If you are unsure if your equipment meets this need, give our Sales Team a call at 206-333-3341. We would be delighted to help you, and thank you for being an Accelerate Networks customer.