Everything about my daily

Saturday Night's Dinner

I still can't imagine that I visited the loved one’s restaurant. It seemed possible with the impulsive behavior that I have. I know it's a sudden visit without a notifying message to inform about my arrival. Around 6.30 pm. my friend texted me about my activity on Saturday night. I said that I had no activity. But, suddenly I asked him to go out and I would treat him to eat at my loved one’s restaurant. And then we went there.

After 10 minutes of arrival, I sat down with my friend, he said, “You should text your loved one, so that your loved one can come here to see you.” That sentence hit me hard and made me wonder. I had to text and said that I was at your work. Meanwhile, I and my friend enjoyed the food so much. It was so delicious. We order two plates of aglio olio, two portions of durian sticky rice, a portion of lupis, taichan satay, coconut orange, and honey lemon tea. Those food made us forget about my loved one.

The whole time while we were eating, we praised the food so much. I really appreciated that my friend enjoyed the food. He said that the restaurant is recommended, except for the price but it's worth it.

As I could expect from the crowd of people who ate in the restaurant, it seemed that my loved one was so busy at the kitchen preparing food for the crowd. For the last one and half hour, I didn't get any reply. I was not so sad cause I wasn't expecting the reply to be so fast. But, I and my friend needed to go home earlier so that my friend can have a rest, because he had to go to work early in the morning.

After all, I enjoyed the food, the companionship, and the mood. And my loved one replied after we went back home, precisely on the way back home.
