Dissociation: Living With DR/DP
Dissociation, a disorder that's been with me for as long as I can remember, comes to surface once again in the form of derealization and depersonalization, two AWFUL branches that depict feelings of unrealism and disconnection to the outside world and its people. I've been dealing with this since I was a kid, unsure of what it was at first until I'd gotten a bit older and a therapist was able to tell me right off the bat what it was which made me feel somewhat better because for the longest, I thought I was going crazy but thankfully, that's not the case, it's just my brain's way of coping with the trauma and abuse I went through which isn't all THAT bad but it can be annoying after years with no real “cure”. I do want to get out of these chains that it has me in but that's going to come with time and understanding, not to mention even more therapy and medication because nothing is done in a day, right? I'm sure I'll find a way out of this; I just know it! I'm not going to let these demons keep me down, I'm stronger than they are even though there are some days where I do break down and cry, but I'm not going to let them keep me feeling low like this for long. I will become free, I will overcome these burdens, and I WILL survive!