Just a blog about the life of Alexandria and what she gets up to on a day-to-day basis.

How Can One Earn Money?

I’m not enjoying the fact that I’m unable to earn any type of income, I want to be able to do something that I enjoy from home, but everything is such a scam. I’ve tried working from home jobs only to be met with payments upfront which are NEVER fun, so I’m trying to look into blogging for cash. How would one be able to do it without having to go through a long list of paperwork? Google Adsense seemed fair but it required that I give my ID and other information just to even be eligible for it! I’m at such a loss for words because I really want to work, but there’s a few things that prevent it such as finding the RIGHT company/business who will hire me, not just someone who will promise but never give. I’m hoping that I land a job somewhere because I need to keep my bills afloat and buy things on the side that I might like to have but it’s so impossible to do without some scam hitting me in the face. If anyone knows anything on how to get something coming in, please leave a comment down below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!