It's A Windy One Today!
Today is a windy one, I was out earlier and it’s so cold out there, I’m surprised the wind didn’t blow me over with how strong it is! I was just in the yard messing with some clutter to be cleaned up, and might I say that it looks somewhat better despite some grassy spots that still need to be cut down but apart from that, it looks better. I’m not sure if I’m going to head back out tomorrow or the day after since I’ve gotten most of what was needed to be done so perhaps the next few days can be a break for me from this back-breaking work today! I’m not sure how people do it, working in freezing temperatures, but I guess if you want something done then you have to get out there and do it, don’t think about it, just get it over with. Right? It sounds like a decent logic to go off of, to be honest.