An Independent Advisor

Indie Advisor: Then and now & now and then

Some people will wonder why I'm no longer an Indie Advisor on LinkedIn or other platforms. In order to avoid answering this x times separately, I'm writing this once for everyone here. At the same time, I'm using POSSE for the first time with the aim of reclaiming the web and not leaving it completely to Big Tech.

Here you will find the story behind Indie Advisor briefly summarized:

In 2012, I had started my own freelance business for the first time and thought that a brand would be the right thing to increase my recognition value. After quickly discarding Out Of Cards, among others, IndíeAdvisor remained as an idea and so I printed business cards and got started. Everything worked fine and I got around as the Indie Advisor for three years.

In 2015, Thorsten Unger, then managing director of the old Game association, approached me with the idea of founding a company together – next to my business – and so we founded Target Games GmbH. After we had published a mobile game about Luther's escape from Worms for the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther's Reformation, the business purpose became obsolete. We then decided to transform Indie Advisor into a limited liability company and to acquire shares in each other's companies, so I became a partner in Wegesrand GmbH and Thorsten Unger received shares in Indie Advisor & Company GmbH.

In 2021, the Swedish games company Wicket Gaming AB approached us with the desire to buy Wegesrand and Thorsten Unger's other holdings. After extensive due diligence, the sale of Wegesrand and Indie Advisor & Company GmbH took place in 2022. In 2023, Wicket Gaming was renamed edyoutec and focused more strongly on game-based learning and serious games.

My vesting period ended in 2024 and since my heart doesn't beat for game-based learning and serious games, it made sense to go separate ways again, thus closing the circle to an independent advisor (again).