2 Days Early 🌹

What do I see this Valentine's Day?


A clear vase full of red roses given to me by my husband 2 days early

Cold & crunchy snow

Naked branches

Dead trees

Footprints on the ground from the animals

The forest where I found my hubby with his head split open

A wooden patio deck aging from the harsh winters

The color white

The color red

The color green

The color brown

The color blue

Melting snow that is revealing the grass underneath

A sky that appears gray

I see everything that almost anyone with their bare eyesight can see.

It’s easy to point out what we think we can see when it's just laid out in front of us.

But what I see this Valentine's Day is something you will never see. You’ve never had my experiences just like I’ve never had your experiences.

Beyond the flowers in a vase that are so apparently propped up on a rail, there are memories & images in my mind that form whenever I look at them.

It is because of the person who gave them to me.

So when I look at them, they will evoke feelings in me that will never be felt by you.

When I look at them, I see a man who for the past 10 months struggled to be the man he used to be. He bought me roses 2 days early because he wanted to make sure I had them in time for Valentine's Day.

Deep down inside of his heart & inside of his brain, I sincerely think he might’ve been afraid that he wouldn't remember the date because of his brain injury, so he made that extra small effort.

Even though you don’t see that, I do.

It was only a small gesture -

But at least I noticed.
