A Childlike Friendship🎈
I’m looking forward to seeing my friend for the summer. His presence in my life always brings me spontaneous joy & it's infectious. When I am around him sometimes I feel like a giddy kid because he has a childlike spirit. He gets my sarcasm. It feels like there is a healing process going on between us at this point in our lives because we've both been through some trauma recently. Maybe I need some playful energy in my life because that is what I gravitate towards the most I realized.
It's weird because we are supposed to be young & carefree & innocent when we are younger & somber & serious & responsible as we get older??? But what a world it would be if we retained that childlike spirit forever?
I saw fireworks the other day & wasn't ashamed to take my little stuffed monkey son out of my purse & toss him around. It was freeing! Not worrying if anyone thought I was silly.
I also stopped watching the news for awhile & really don't miss it at all. It feels like I live in a bubble & am missing out on all the tragic events happening around me & maybe my soul needed that. Not hearing about the chaos & madness that people put each other through because frankly, I have been through too much of it myself.
Right now my soul needs to feel like it's in a bubble. Right now my soul wants a childlike friendship. Right now I don't feel like being a grown-up!!!
Maybe part of healing ourselves is to just be childlike & silly… 🐵🐒