Another Brilliant Social Media Idea!!! 💡
OK, another brilliant social media idea…
How about we all set our social media accounts followers to the number 0??? 🤔
OK, maybe our bank accounts too, while we're at it… 🤔
You heard me – 0!!! 🤔
So when you log in to all your accounts on social media, they all have 0 followers??? 🤔
And you log in to your banking online & every money account is set to $0.00??? 🤔
So $0.00 is dollars amount normally but what if that was just that, with no other numbers??? 🤔
And you don't freak out about it because we are all one & the same & that means maybe our competitors (in our minds, at least), are really one & the same??? 🤔
Which means that we have NO competitors because they are all really our friends & actually have been all along but we just didn't know it??? 🤔
And then people stop acting hostile or jealous or anxious or depressed??? 🤔
Instead, people got HAPPIER??? 🤔
Which means less drugs, less worrying, less homicides, less suicides, less hospital stays, less health problems, less heart attacks, less road rage, less over-all political correctness, etc., etc… 🤔
WOW, so… (drum roll) 🎵
If we have 0 followers & 0 friends & 0 competitors & $0.00 in our bank accounts, we are ALL EQUAL & noone has dibs on anybody & noone has enemies either which means everything always equals out in the end which means we aren't competing with each other anymore because everything results in the number 0 anyways??? 🤔
So who gives a shit at the end of the day???
Because we all equal… ZERO!!!