Five Words πŸ‘πŸ‘

I reactivated my old essays from Medium & was just browsing some writers I had followed years ago.

There was a brief post from a woman who was struggling with being gangstalked. She had a child to take care of & was obviously trying to cope in spite of it. She was really in a terrible funk when I came across her writing. There were some exchanges & some brief comments we wrote to each other. That is when I think that writing can be the most healing. When you don't realize how much of an impact you might have on a stranger until they tell you. Then it dawns on you that maybe you really have been doing something of value in this world all along. But it takes a complete stranger to show you that.

Well, I was thinking to myself β€œDid I do the right thing by opening up my account again? Will it open up any old wounds that I've been carrying? Will it trigger more panic attacks?”

Then I happened to come across 5 words that this lady wrote in response to the situations she was experiencing in life.

BAM!!! πŸ‘Š

I finally realized that fear will control you if you let it. That my past made me who I am today & I am not ashamed of who I became because of it. I am not the same me I was yesterday & will most likely not be the same person tomorrow.

I really like who I am! 😏

It's the people who constantly tore me down all the time & guilted me for being alive & surviving & writing about it. The ones who did not appreciate my presence. The ones who didn't feel like I deserved another chance in life. The ones who didn't understand near-death experiences or brain trauma or brain damage. The ones who had no compassion.

So I bought into their hatred.

I'm not buying into their hatred anymore.

πŸ˜‚ The most meaningful five words I came across tonight… πŸ˜‚

Thank You & BRAVO, Mimi Toya!!!

