My Beautiful Sister 👭

I don't remember when this photo was taken or what year, but obviously it was many years ago.

I see beauty in my younger sister.

Her name was Deanna. But usually we called her Dee. 💖

Yes, the one on the right. Tiny, fragile, feisty & spiritual.

I see heroic efforts on her part to speak up about the gangstalking & harassment she was going through.

I see a softness in her eyes because she looked so young & vulnerable knowing Santa doesn't really exist but taking a photo anyways to please her mother.

I see beauty.

Again… I see beauty. The inner kind, not just the outer kind.

I choose to see that because…

Eventually, we all choose what we want to see. If someone wants to see ugliness, they will look for it & only see that.

If someone wants to see a sinner because she took her own life, they will look for that & only see that.

If someone wants to see her as a b**ch because she was outspoken, they will look for that & only see that.

If someone wants to make fun of her because she died alone & unmarried in a hotel room with her cat at the end of her life, they will look for that & only see that.

People will choose what they want to see.

What I will always see is a younger sister who was repeatedly bullied to commit suicide & an older sister who tried to make it right years later but then was retaliated against because of that.

That's all I really see right now.

That's all I'm capable of seeing.

Strangely, I still see beauty in that.
