My Choice To Remember A Kind Cop 👮
We all have bad memories. Everyone does. If they say they don't in this toxic positivity culture, they are not being truthful. Well, I'm trying to remember more good memories because I think that a mind can be reconditioned to become positive after trauma. Trauma has a way of making you feel hyper-sensitive to the things around you. Everywhere you go, you hear sights & sounds. Some stand out more than others. I'm not sure why, but they do.
Well, I politely asked a police officer last week to escort me out of a casino so I wouldn't get mugged without him protecting me. That is their job. That is something I feel they should take pride in.
He said yes & made an honest joke basically saying “You & me both.”
LOL. He's right.
If someone attacked me, they would most likely attack him too, wouldn’t they?
Anyways, I thought he was very kind. I mentioned that I have had some negative experiences with some cops before & he said that it goes both ways because he's had bad experiences with civilians too. He said “It's always the bad ones that make it difficult for the good ones.”
So true.
That's why I stopped watching the news & stopped following politics. The news wants to make enemies with each other. To divide & conquer. To hate & project hatred. To make us take sides. To not see the world as a loving place. To view the world as hostile. To create mindless chatter & gossip & slander about people so we don't feel connected with each other. To create the illusion of good vs. bad. To turn us against the person sitting next to us wherever we may be at any given moment.
Well, it's exhausting to keep up with.
Anyways, he had a sincere smile. The kind you feel like he's not laughing out loud, but just a simple curve of his lips. I liked him. I thanked him for walking me out & told him I will remember this good memory & I hope he does too. I apologized for all the trouble that police officers had to endure the last few years because I personally think they have gone through hell & back considering all the headlines I'm trying to stay away from.
So I want to choose to remember this kind cop because I know there are more of him out there. It made me want to try & recondition my mind & choose to remember uplifting memories because he made me feel safe for the short while I walked with him. A woman needs that. Not to feel intimidated but safe. That is what was so special about him. He was my hero for just a wee bit & maybe that's what I needed at that point in time.
Thank you, kind cop...