My Income From My Blog 💰
ZERO dollars… 💰
Yep, ZERO dollars… 💰
Just to clear up anyone's rumors or thoughts on if I'm getting paid to write anything on here. Or if someone paid me to write about them.
Noone has. And I've never required them to nor asked them to.
If I share links, I am getting NO residuals.
If I share posts, I am getting NO residuals.
If I share my memories, I am getting NO residuals.
If I share my thoughts, I am getting NO residuals.
If I decide to promote people out of the bottom of my heart, I am getting NO residuals.
I believe there is an option in the settings where you can click on some choices to do that. But I haven't done that yet.
And no, this title was not clickbait. Nor am I complaining. It was just to clear up any misconceptions that others had. But when I do choose to make money from it, that will be my choice, also.
In the meantime, I only write when I feel the need to purge or when I have an instinct to elevate & showcase others by bringing them into the light.
Sometimes I like to do things for free -