... a nobody sharing the thoughts that already existed, that are rediscovered, and which may remain ...

Opiate + Eve


Religion is the opium of the people. (Karl Marx) [1]

I am here to make the best, fucking opiate💊. A lean theology. A Spartan theology. A bunch of simple hot-takes. 🔥🥞

I will help to unclothe the bloated gods of religion to slowly reveal (while also shooting a lot of shit out of my head, I am not perfect. I Am Not Him [1.5]) the simple God, the one and only true God.

Sorry, but God is One [2]. Ockham’s Razor demands it [2.25].

I hope this opiate will set people free, like it did. If you more free as the days go by, why not? Takes the edge out of life, as they say.


Reading about the love life of John Wesley, page 71-74 [2.5]. It’s fucking painful to read. Made me cry for like two minutes. I hate Charles Wesley after reading this (hating a dead man gets you nowhere, but I still hate him). He should have known John Wesley better, being his brother, if not for all the fucking busyness of ministry and his fucking classism!

Tis’ true ze following …

Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires. (Solomon) [3]

Even though it’s going to be fucking hard – and I have shed many tears already over this – I will wait. Already tried dating for a few weeks, and it hurt like fuck. FUCK! (Remembering hurts, but it’s okay). First time, Last time. I kiss dating goodbye [3.25]. Only date my beautiful Kaji wife [3.5] for the rest of my life and be the ultimate weeb. Maybe buy a sex doll later (I didn’t just write that, but I did. SHAME! 🔥BURN HIM AT THE STAKE🔥 ). Like REALLY wait. Do nothing in the eros department. Wait for the following to happen.

Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. (Moses)

I want to be a Third Adam [4]. Let ISHO bring Eve to me. Wait for true love to fall into my lap, even if this book [4.5] says no (I tried looking for the page number, but after several minutes of flipping through the book, I gave up).

This is in tandem with advice from two couples. The first said “It happens when it happens” and the second also. It’s not like I am just trusting a book and my own heart. I could real people giving real advice. How brave 🎯. How precious. 💍

If I die single and a virgin (in body, not in spirit), let me be a cautionary tale to all my readers that this interpretation of Genesis is wrong (Based on a single life – the sample size isn’t great, I admit. Maybe with one million participants it will be a chance of 2%, LOLZ).

The cautionary tale that I trusted the wrong God, or rather the wrong perception of God, of ISHO. We will see as I write – with ISHO – my own terrible fate.

The Bible is perfect (okay, after reading this, maybe I don’t actually believe this, maybe The Bible isn’t imperfect [5] in the sense that it is filled with human beings. Human beings are flawed to various degrees depending on a gazillion different factors). Only my interpretation of it isn’t.

At least, it’s safer that I assume I could be wrong.


I will die on this spiritual interpretation of Genesis 2:22 for my own life. This is the hill I will die on [6].

I hope you all grab your popcorn while you see me throwing my life away and jumping off the cliff.

Jesus didn’t jump off the top of the temple so that I could [7].

Testing God. May He send hell down if He is angry at me.

Imaginary Comments

User#1: Another angry, butt-hurt Christo-atheist. Great, as if we need more of them.

User#2: Look at this heretic. He will burn in the lowest parts of hell, with Hitler and Stalin.

User#3: Thar he blows!