... a nobody sharing the thoughts that already existed, that are rediscovered, and which may remain ...

organic proliferation

What does the perfect way for ideas to spread look like?

I am going to take a stab at the counter-intuitive.

What if it isn’t the internet? What if it is always, exclusively offline? What if words, ideas, and theories can only have their fullest, most heart-boggling impact when they are embodied before one’s very eyes? Seeing is believing, as they say.

Theories that are not just embodied, but fine-tuned constantly via a feedback loop of constant communication with other practitioners. Practitioners of the theory. Practitioners of the faith. True believers.

Where action is experienced by those one hopes to influence. Actions impact positively these targets of influence.

Where words informs deeds. Deeds produces data. Data, combined with its analysis, is used to fine-tune – or even completely change – the meaning of the word. And back and forth. Words, deeds, data, and then back to words.

Mother Teresa might be right. I trust her because she has seen more suffering than a lot of people I know. Love – in person, in action, with an ample amount of words, words that work in tandem with action – is what is going to change the world – the quickest, I might add. Loving those who you call family.

Family isn’t dictated by blood. It’s whoever will show up to your wedding and your funeral. Those are your family.

Love evolves people. Changes people. Changes the world because these people make up the world. They will go out into the world, and bring the memory of love with them. Knowing they were loved, so they that can love others as well.

Words that claims love without action is dead. It has no meaning. Empty promises. Empty words.

Oh how good we are all at that.

It is better to not vow, than to vow and not pay.

It is better to not get married, than to marry and not commit to the other.