... a nobody sharing the thoughts that already existed, that are rediscovered, and which may remain ...


There are phrases or sentences – phrences (a silly portmanteau)– that remain in our hearts and heads.

Phrences spoken by people, be they audible or written.

Sometimes, these phrences inform and guide us on our journeys on earth. Sometimes, they haunt us, ringing the bells of doom unnecessarily, shutting down our brains, paralysing us.

These phrences may mean something to us that is not intended by the author. The words that make up these phrences may carry our meanings or definitions that are unlike what was held by the author.

English is hardly literal.

But yet they stick, leaving indelible marks on our limited memory.

In this way people form the references of my existence. Their pieces of advice – some laced with hope, others with doom – will ring at times in my heart and head, in resonance with the things that I do.

Where there is no [wise, intelligent] guidance, the people fall [and go off course like a ship without a helm], But in the abundance of [wise and godly] counsellors there is victory. (Proverbs 11:14)

To know who are wise and godly is difficult nowadays.

The only way to be sure that they can be trusted is to see for yourself how they live. Yes, reason stands alone to the person, for living by reason alone and fully is currently impossible. Yes, truth can be spoken from those who do not live up to it.

Truth can only be fully known if it is heard and experienced.