spiritual water
People are like amphibians. Part dust (St. Moses et. al. -600), part spirit (St. John et. al. +95).
Here is a little guess.
The dust needs more dust to sustain itself. Food, in other words.
The spirit needs water (St. John et. al. +95) – namely, meaning. Words. Theories. Stories. Love. Truth. Freedom. The list goes on.
It would seem (I have self-imposed cultural blindness, I don’t read the news anymore) that we live in a culture of lots of buzz, but little meaning. There are countless things to get excited about … but it’s all wind (St. Eugene H. P. et. al. 2002), most of the time.
What kind of meaning am I looking for? Meaning that matters for the day-to-day grind. Meaning that matters for the dying, the one who is about to pass away tonight. Meaning that allows one to befriend death (Michelle O. et. al. 2009).
I think a lot of people are looking for meaning, especially the suicidal. If someone has the most meaningful thing to say … I will let The Mayor (Paramount Pictures et. al. 2011) tell you …
But with water, there's life...That's the immutable law of the desert. You control the water, and you control everything
If you control meaning, you control everything.
In other news, I have held off from masturbation for a single day. I heard that the longer I wait, the better it is. We will see.
And in other other news, I have started reading Korean comics again (I stopped for a while). Plenty of female objectification. I had to change comics quite a few times because it was too much at times. Sex must sell.
And in final news, I had to apologise to the spirit of IU (the Korean female soloist) for fantasizing about her being on top of her (in a purely sexual way, of course) . A few seconds in, I stopped myself, and apologized in word and thought to her, as I imagined myself bowing down to her for forgiveness in Wonderland (my heaven).
I feel like a prude and pervert combined. I must have really lost both my brains and balls.