... a nobody sharing the thoughts that already existed, that are rediscovered, and which may remain ...

Without 🪙

Warning: May contain traces of 🥜lies🥜. Read at your own allergic risk.

a ☠️poisonous☠️ 💉injection💉 into 👹The Monster 👹 that is 🕸️The Web🕸️

I relay to you a moment when I waited (impatiently) for a train-replacement bus 1️⃣ . An elderly couple 2️⃣, along with some others, were waiting with me.

The couple was in earshot, and I heard the following line, spoken with a heaviness perhaps bequeathed by many years lived on Earth.

No one gives you credit for anything.

Here I apply the “with” concept. The “with” concept is as follows.

Enter into a shared experience with a person(s).

In this particular case, the experience of not getting any credit for what one does.

I have a hunch that there has been millions of people in all of history who have never gotten credit for anything.

Let The Spirit 3️⃣ take all the credit, so that I might remain anonymous and maintain my quiet life.

🪙credits 🪙

1️⃣ My state’s transport system for replacing trains with buses and making my travel to the city (where I used to go for my physics education) three hours one way.

2️⃣ The elderly couple who spoke loud enough for me to hear what they were saying.

3️⃣ The Spirit for unlocking my sensitivity to the world around me. The Spirit who came to reawaken me on the 13th March 2022, the day after my heart broke from the rejection of my first and only crush.


proudgrammarnazi666: This is so boring.

nihilist333: He is trying to suck the marrow out of every event in his life. Goodness me, some people have time to kill. What a lucky, white-privileged bastard.

chillmanzo: … I have nothing to say … this guy is 🥜 … can’t wait for him to become penniless and have no more opportunities to write more of this bullshit.

positiveangel: I think this guy is definitely trapped in a delusion of his own making. At least he is not hurting anyone.