"Negotiating with the Russians" (1951), in the new context
"What goes on in Donbas?"
Why Marxists describe Marxism as "cryptic"?
How Russia does annexations?
Vladimir Pastukhov on authoritarianism in Russia
"Theory of _opers_ and operators" — in search for rational explanations of Russia's actions
2022 Russia's invasion on Ukraine in quotes
Ideological origins of "Energiewende"
Russian deception and denial of war in Ukraine
On the Kremlin's ideas of "denazification" and "Russophobia"
A socialist view on the beginning of the Bolshevik revolution
Russia stepping into the same river
Communist China, really...?!
Marxist dialectics as a instrument of self-delusion
Independence of judiciary and foreign invenstments
On Revolutionary dialectics
Pragmatism and dogmatism in economy - capitalism versus socialism
Deep Marxism of Black Lives Matter