But deep down, I knew—I was already home.

Under the soft supermarket lights, our footsteps whispered secrets—the mundane and the extraordinary colliding. He, is a collector of sneakers, so he doesn't have furniture which is very important in life.

“Let’s get the green ones,” he said, holding up a pair of cups like they were relics from a forgotten love story. “One for you and one for me. Is it a green light for our relationship?” And with that, he clinked the cups together, a silent toast to the unknown.

I watched him, my gaze is as flat as the linoleum floor. But he was relentless, weaving whimsy into the mundane. “How about this for you?” he asked, revealing a set of cutlery adorned with a delicate rabbit. The rabbit, with its porcelain eyes, seemed to hold secrets of its own.

“We’re buying stuff for your house,” I reminded him, my voice a monotone melody. But he danced on the edge of reality, teasing me with his laughter. “My house is your house,” he countered, and I wondered if he knew how dangerously close he was to my heart.

“Why don’t you get one then?” he challenged, and I felt the walls of my resistance crumble. His joy was contagious, infecting the shopping cart with things that weren’t essential—a rabbit-adorned cutlery set, a lemon-scented dish soap.

“Rated A Eco Friendly,” he announced, brandishing the dish soap like a prized possession. “Because your hands are precious.” His words hung in the air, a fragile bridge between practicality and poetry.

“Rubber gloves?” he pondered, then shook his head. “No, I’ll do the dishes.” And just like that, he retracted his offer, leaving me both amused and bewildered.

As we moved through the aisles, I couldn’t help but shake my head. “As if we’re moving in together,” I muttered, half to myself. But he was relentless, weaving dreams into the mundane.

“Just bring yourself,” he said, hugging the dish soap to his chest. “You can move in right away. Anytime is fine.” His eyes held galaxies, and I wondered if he knew the gravity of his words.

“But don’t be too late,” he added, and I realized he was trying to seduce me—not with grand gestures, but with the ordinary. And suddenly, I was torn between laughter and tears.

“I have to come to my senses,” I whispered, trailing after him.