Texts by Arnfinn Pettersen

The wildfire of disappointment

One of the biggest mistakes those of us who promote democracy do, is overselling it. Democracy isn't by far as great as its biggest fans claim. It's just way, way, way better than the alternatives.

The result of this overselling is disappointment. The candidates can never be as perfect as the illusion. The daily grind will never function as well as the dream. The process isn't by far as rational as the ideal.

In the end, the disappointment paves the way for the “burn it to the ground” crowd. Because when everything is grey and disappointing, as real life often is, a bonfire can seem like a really bright idea.

It's not, of course. Because the revolution doesn't end when whoever you think deserve it, has gotten whatever you think they deserve. It's a wildfire. It engulfs whatever gets in its way.

That might very well be you.