Campaign journals, reviews of TTRPG stuff, and musings on D&D.

2025 Character Creation Challenge Day 12


You can read more about the challenge here and here.

With humans out of the way it is time to roll up some dwarves.

So, what are options available to them, using only original Dungeons & Dragons little brown booklets?

Dwarves may opt only for the fighting class, and they may never progress beyond the 6th level (Myrmidon).

In return, they get some additional benefits.

Men & Magic, p. 7:

Their advantages are: 1) they have a high level of magic resistance, and they thus add four levels when rolling saving throws (a 6th-level dwarf equals a 10th-level human); 2) they are the only characters able to fully employ the +3 Magic War Hammer (explained in Book II); 3) they note slanting passages, traps, shifting walls and new construction in underground settings; and 4) they are able to speak the languages of Gnomes, Kobolds and Goblins in addition to the usual tongues (see LANGUAGES in this book).

Men & Magic, p. 9:

Dwarves/Gnomes appear on both fLaw and Neutrality alignment charts.

Men & Magic, p. 12:

LANGUAGES: The “common tongue” spoken throughout the “continent” is known by most humans. All other creatures and monsters which can speak have their own language, although some (20%) also know the common one.

Monsters & Treasure, p. 16:

Because of their relatively small size, clumsy monsters like Ogres, Giants and the like will have a difficult time hitting Dwarves, so score only one-half the usual hit points when a hit is scored. ... They are otherwise as outlined in CHAINMAIL.

Oh, we have to check Chainmail as well!

Chainmail, p. 29:

DWARVES (and Gnomes): Because their natural habitat is deep under the ground, these stout folk operate equally well day or night. Although they are no threat to the larger creatures. Trolls, Ogres, and Giants find them hard to catch because of their small size, so count only one-half normal kills when Dwarves and Gnomes fight with them, for either attacks upon the Dwarves and Gnomes or returns should the Dwarves be the attacker. Goblins and Kobolds are their natural (and most hated) enemies, and Dwarves (Gnomes) will attack Goblins (Kobolds) before any other enemies in sight, regardless of orders to the contrary. However. Dwarves and Gnomes will not have to roll an “obedience die” (as do Knights) to follow orders, i.e.. they will not automatically attack, but if ordered to attack, and Goblins (Kobolds) are within charging distance, they will attack the Goblin (Kobold) formation to the exclusion of orders to the contrary.

Chainmail, p. 38:

Dwarves dig twice as fast as an equal number of human sappers. They may attempt 2 more mines or counter-mines than usual.

Chainmail, p. 39:

Dwarves appear only on Law alignment chart, contradicting Men & Magic. I will go with Men & Magic since it came out latter.

Chainmail, p. 43:

SPECIAL ABILITY B – The ability to see in normal darkness as if it were light

Back to Dungeons & Dragons, this time third booklet.

Underworld & Wilderness Adventures, pp. 8–9:

Secret passages will be located on the roll of a 1 or a 2 (on a six-sided die) by men, dwarves or halflings. ... When characters come to a door they may “listen” to detect any sound within. ... A roll of 1 for humans, and 1 or 2 for Elves, Dwarves, or Halflings will detect sound within if there is any to be heard.

Summing up, dwarves have the following abilities and limitations:

Now I am ready to roll some dwarf Heroes!


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