Campaign journals, reviews of TTRPG stuff, and musings on D&D.

News: Fight On! issue 16 now available

Fight On! issue 16 now available on DTRPG and Lulu (POD and PDF):

Out of the dungeon and into your quivering palms, Fight On! is back again, bringing the full monty of magic and mayhem to your subterranean halls! FOUR big adventures along with classes, races, maps, rules variants, new worlds, monsters, magic items, spells, NPCs, and tables and other goodies galore will fill your fantasy campaigns with new wonders for your dark towers and demonweb pits! Dedicated to fantasy art legend David A. Trampier, this issue features contributions from great heroes old and new – from Dave Hargrave and Tim Kask to Peter Mullen and Cameron Hawkey, not to mention Sean ''Stonegiant'' Stone, Oakes Spalding, Simon Bull, Gabor Lux, Kevin Mayle, Evlyn Moreau, Calithena, Paul Carrick, Sophie Pulkus, J. Blasso-Gieseke, bät, Attronarch, Philipp H., James Maliszewski, Settembrini, Robert S. Conley, Idle Doodler, DeWayne Rogers, Rick Base, Dyson Logos, Jon Salway, Becami Cusack, Tony A. Rowe, Prince of Nothing, Jasmine Collins, Anthony Stiller, Allan T. Grohe Jr., Will Mistretta, Steve Queen, Zhu Baijee, Thomas Denmark, and many, many more! This BIG 128 page issue picks off pit fiends like a +5 pike of piercing – don't delve deeper into the darkling depths without it!

Here is the table of contents:

Article Author(s) Page
Creepies & Crawlies Zisch, Knarly, Mistretta, & Settembrini 3
Artifacts, Adjuncts & Oddments Salway, bät & DeSmet 7
Two Blades and Two Crowns David A. Hargrave 10
Gems of Zylarthen, Part 1 Oakes Spalding 13
Grognard’s Grimoire bät, Salway, & Mustonen 17
The Caverns of Arcane Silk Idle Doodler 19
The Sands of Isathar DangerIsReal 20
21 Lessons Learned After 100 Sessions Attronarch 22
Battleland Encounters Calithena 24
Variant Battlelands for Titan Tor Gjerde 25
Old Samora 2: Ghoul Lair and Balneum Philipp H. 29
The Wretched of the Earth Richard Rittenhouse 39
The Scout Jason Brentlinger 40
Biblical Fantasy Roleplaying Haralambos Kazantzakis 42
Races of sha-Arthan James Maliszewski 44
The Monastery of Darak Gabor Lux 47
Tables for Fables DeSmet, Logos, Terrible Sorcery & Kisko 53
Dun Crawlin’ Jon Salway 59
Alternative Demon Immunities PrinceofNothing 70
1d20 Magick-er Mouths Will Mistretta 72
The Dream Couches Donald Smith with Zherbus 76
Calabos and Mazmora J. Blasso-Gieseke 80
Darkness Beneath: The Snow Throne Simon Bull 81
Tales of Tramp and TSR Tim Kask, interviewed by Cal 92
Knights & Knaves: Wormy & Friends Allan Grohe 99
Seven Gates & Fifty Dog-Faced Men Becami Cusack 105
Comics & Carrick Kelvin Green, J. Blasso-Gieseke, and Paul Carrick 126

128 pages of awesome!

Back issues are available via DTRPG and Lulu.

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