Campaign journals, reviews of TTRPG stuff, and musings on D&D.

Review: The World's Largest Dungeon

“This book is such a piece of shit.”

The World's Largest Dungeon, published by Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG), is a 900 page beast from the 3e era. Its key conceits (or gimmicks to be fair) are its size and inclusion of “all” monsters from the OGL SRD (which was just published then).

Although I never heard anyone say nice things about it, I still bought it when it appeared on the Bundle of Holding. After all, one of the sixteen maps ought to have something worth repurposing!

Oh, how naive I was! First, scan is terrible. Second, skimming it filled me with dread and horror. I read several paragraphs at random and they were bad. My time is too valuable to spend it on salvaging something that doesn't at least inspire me. I will gladly suffer through some of the poorly laid out Judges Guild modules because they are full of enthusiasm and actually deliver good gameplay. But this?

It was so bad I deleted the file from my hard drive, and added it to “read later, but probably never” pile. Then a wonderful thing happened. I stumbled upon a massive, 10 000+ words, chapter-by-chapter read-through and review. It was originally posted on Something Awful forum, and was later collated in a single page for easier reading.

Without further ado, I am delighted to share The World's Largest Dungeon review by oriongates. Fantastic and humorous read. At moments I felt a bit sorry for oriongates since the material drives him mental. I also appreciated his comments since I have zero experience with D&D of that era. Either way, I hope you find it as amusing and illuminating read as I did.

#Review #AEG

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