Campaign journals, reviews of TTRPG stuff, and musings on D&D.

Swords & Wizardry: 20 Halfling Thieves

Twenty Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised Halfling Thieves incoming! Attributes rolled 3d6 in order:

1 7 12 9 10 17 7 11
2 17 12 8 14 11 12 15
3 15 11 10 13 10 10 16
4 11 8 6 15 5 7 15
5 13 9 9 9 11 4 8
6 7 11 7 12 14 9 11
7 9 11 13 8 7 9 11
8 11 11 5 9 11 6 8
9 11 16 8 12 11 17 11
10 8 12 13 15 8 16 10
11 12 11 8 16 16 12 4
12 17 18 11 13 8 8 16
13 11 3 10 11 8 9 9
14 15 12 6 9 11 11 11
15 10 11 7 8 11 11 15
16 14 9 10 5 11 13 10
17 13 13 10 13 14 9 11
18 14 15 7 9 12 14 16
19 8 11 12 11 13 16 9
20 15 17 10 8 13 8 9

Character 1–10 are male, while 11–20 are female. Half are Neutral, and half are Chaotic. All use halfling thieves' equipment packs. Without further ado, here are the characters.

1. Lilidon Yulley

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'3'' / 0.99 m, 95 lbs / 43 kg; red hair; tan eyes; pale gold skin tone; 3'' scar; pentagram-shaped birthmark
Traits: realistic, visual, uncaring

Hit points: 2
Armor class: 7[12]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 7 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs)
DEX: 12 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 9 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 10 (max additional languages: 2)
WIS: 17 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 7 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Parchment (sheet)
Coins: 4 gp, 1 sp, 5 cp
Encumbrance: 64 lbs

2. Felchin Longshank

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'7'' / 1.09 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; mixed yellow and red hair; dark brown eyes; medium brown skin tone; all double joints
Traits: responsive, amused, tasteful

Hit points: 1
Armor class: 7[12]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 17 (open doors: 1–4; carry modifier: +30 lbs)
DEX: 12 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 14 (max additional languages: 4)
WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 12 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1); 3 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’)
Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Ladder (10 foot); 1 × Pole (10 foot); 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 6 × Candle; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 1 × Lantern, bullseye; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Manacles; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Tent
Coins: 4 gp, 5 sp, 4 cp
Encumbrance: 67 lbs

3. Berd Oans

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; red hair; silver eyes; dark tan skin tone
Traits: academic, optimistic, proud

Hit points: 2
Armor class: 7[12]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 15 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs)
DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 10 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3)
WIS: 10 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 10 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Crossbow, heavy (2H, ROF ½, range 80’); 1 × Bolts, heavy (20) (1d6+1); 9 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’)
Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 4 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 4 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 2 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 2 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll; 2 × Parchment (sheet)
Coins: 5 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp
Encumbrance: 73 lbs

4. Jerun Barrels

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; brown hair; aqua eyes; grey-green skin tone; 2'' scar
Traits: vivacious, childish, cutthroat

Hit points: 2
Armor class: 8[11]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 11 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 8 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point)
CON: 6 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 15 (max additional languages: 4)
WIS: 5 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 7 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1); 3 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’)
Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Ladder (10 foot); 1 × Pole (10 foot); 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 6 × Candle; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 1 × Lantern, bullseye; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Manacles; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Tent
Coins: 4 gp, 5 sp, 4 cp
Encumbrance: 67 lbs

5. Giles Amblin

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; grey / orange hair; brown eyes; pale silver skin tone; 4'' scar; circle-shaped birthmark
Traits: funloving, threatening, distraught

Hit points: 2
Armor class: 7[12]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 13 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs)
DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 9 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1)
WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 4 (max # of special hirelings: 1; retainer morale adjustment: -4; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 3 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Manacles; 2 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 10 cp
Encumbrance: 69 lbs

6. Oen Yimrick

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; roan hair; amber eyes; light brown skin tone; z-shaped birthmark
Traits: foolish, corrupt

Hit points: 1
Armor class: 7[12]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 7 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs)
DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 7 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 12 (max additional languages: 3)
WIS: 14 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Parchment (sheet)
Coins: 4 gp, 1 sp, 5 cp
Encumbrance: 64 lbs

7. Pipki Zachs

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; orange hair; yellow eyes; pale grey skin tone
Traits: bashful, studious, brutish

Hit points: 4
Armor class: 7[12]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 9 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 13 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%)
INT: 8 (max additional languages: 1)
WIS: 7 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Parchment (sheet)
Coins: 4 gp, 1 sp, 5 cp
Encumbrance: 64 lbs

8. Tarlan Daggs

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; bald; light brown eyes; grey-green skin tone
Traits: vague, belligerent, abrasive

Hit points: 1
Armor class: 7[12]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 11 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 5 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1)
WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 6 (max # of special hirelings: 2; retainer morale adjustment: -2; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 3 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Staff (2H 1d6); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Manacles; 2 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 10 cp
Encumbrance: 69 lbs

9. Balbo Hilltopple

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; light brown hair; brown eyes; caucasian skin tone; hermaphrodite
Traits: adaptable, babyish, gentle

Hit points: 3
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 11 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 16 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point)
CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 12 (max additional languages: 3)
WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 17 (max # of special hirelings: 6; retainer morale adjustment: +2; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Parchment (sheet)
Coins: 4 gp, 1 sp, 5 cp
Encumbrance: 64 lbs

10. Robin Burrow

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; roan hair; gold eyes; yellow white skin tone; snake-shaped birthmark
Traits: organized, callous

Hit points: 3
Armor class: 7[12]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 8 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs)
DEX: 12 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 13 (hp per hit die modifier: +1; raise dead survival: 100%)
INT: 15 (max additional languages: 4)
WIS: 8 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 16 (max # of special hirelings: 6; retainer morale adjustment: +2; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Bell; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 1 × Lantern, bullseye; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Manacles; 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 65 lbs

11. Denoffo Fallfoot

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; light brown hair; grey eyes; pale green skin tone; 2'' scar
Traits: disorganized, thrifty, glum

Hit points: 3
Armor class: 7[12]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 12 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 8 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 16 (max additional languages: 5)
WIS: 16 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 12 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Club (1d4); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 9 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 2 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 1 sp, 8 cp
Encumbrance: 67 lbs

12. Umnap Ingles

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'8'' / 1.12 m, 120 lbs / 54 kg; grey / dark blonde hair; amber eyes; pale grey skin tone; six fingered
Traits: hotheaded, unscrupulous, kinky

Hit points: 2
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 17 (open doors: 1–4; carry modifier: +30 lbs)
DEX: 18 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point)
CON: 11 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3)
WIS: 8 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 8 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Crossbow, heavy (2H, ROF ½, range 80’); 1 × Bolts, heavy (20) (1d6+1); 9 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’)
Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 4 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 4 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 2 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 2 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll; 2 × Parchment (sheet)
Coins: 5 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp
Encumbrance: 73 lbs

13. Wanda Dunbarrel

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; blonde hair; light green eyes; gem sparkled medium tan skin tone; bird-shaped birthmark
Traits: indifferent, incompetent

Hit points: 3
Armor class: 8[11]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 11 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 3 (missile to-hit modifier: -1; AC modifier: worse by 1 point)
CON: 10 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2)
WIS: 8 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Club (1d4); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4); 9 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Lock (minimum price); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 5 gp, 2 sp, 3 cp
Encumbrance: 73 lbs

14. Ganny Highhill

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'5'' / 1.04 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; dark blonde hair; tan eyes; pale gold skin tone; pentagram-shaped birthmark
Traits: charming, enigmatic

Hit points: 1
Armor class: 7[12]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 15 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs)
DEX: 12 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 6 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1)
WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Parchment (sheet)
Coins: 4 gp, 1 sp, 5 cp
Encumbrance: 64 lbs

15. Itta Elwed

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 110 lbs / 50 kg; yellow hair; hazel eyes; pale grey skin tone; fang mouthed
Traits: passionate, wise, scheming

Hit points: 3
Armor class: 7[12]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 10 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +5 lbs)
DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 7 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 8 (max additional languages: 1)
WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 11 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1); 3 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’)
Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (15 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Ladder (10 foot); 1 × Pole (10 foot); 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 6 × Candle; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 1 × Lantern, bullseye; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Manacles; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Tent
Coins: 4 gp, 5 sp, 4 cp
Encumbrance: 67 lbs

16. Taltha Elwed

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'7'' / 1.09 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; roan hair; silver eyes; pale silver skin tone
Traits: uncommitted, tacky

Hit points: 2
Armor class: 7[12]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 14 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs)
DEX: 9 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 10 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 5 (max additional languages: 0)
WIS: 11 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 13 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Mace, heavy (1d6); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Lamp, bronze; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Bell; 1 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 3 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 1 × Lantern, hooded; 1 × Lantern, bullseye; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Manacles; 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 4 gp, 3 sp, 9 cp
Encumbrance: 65 lbs

17. Kerra Shortwick

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'8'' / 1.12 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; light brown hair; cyan eyes; caucasian skin tone; 1'' scar
Traits: devoted, ambitious, unlucky

Hit points: 2
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 13 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs)
DEX: 13 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point)
CON: 10 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 13 (max additional languages: 3)
WIS: 14 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 9 (max # of special hirelings: 4; retainer morale adjustment: 0; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Hammer, war (1d4+1); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Crossbow, light (2H, ROF 1, range 60’); 1 × Bolts, light (20) (1d4+1)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 1 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 6 × Wolfsbane; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll; 1 × Parchment (sheet)
Coins: 4 gp, 1 sp, 5 cp
Encumbrance: 64 lbs

18. Goorro Farstote

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'8'' / 1.12 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; dark brown hair; brown eyes; pale orange skin tone; tree-shaped birthmark
Traits: naive, defiant

Hit points: 2
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 14 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs)
DEX: 15 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point)
CON: 7 (hp per hit die modifier: -1; raise dead survival: 50%)
INT: 9 (max additional languages: 1)
WIS: 12 (experience bonus: none)
CHA: 14 (max # of special hirelings: 5; retainer morale adjustment: +1; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Spear (1H 1d6; 2H 1d6+1; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, long (1d8); 1 × Crossbow, heavy (2H, ROF ½, range 80’); 1 × Bolts, heavy (20) (1d6+1); 9 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’)
Gear: 1 × Mule; 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 4 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Flask, leather; 2 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Block and tackle; 1 × Grappling hook; 1 × Hammer; 4 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 2 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 1 × Shovel; 12 × Spike, iron; 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Mirror, small steel; 2 × Fishing net (25 square feet); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll; 2 × Parchment (sheet)
Coins: 5 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp
Encumbrance: 73 lbs

19. Usfana Oldhearth

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'4'' / 1.02 m, 105 lbs / 48 kg; dark blonde hair; silver eyes; ochre skin tone
Traits: forceful, deceiving, sulky

Hit points: 2
Armor class: 7[12]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 8 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: 0 lbs)
DEX: 11 (missile to-hit modifier: 0; AC modifier: none)
CON: 12 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 11 (max additional languages: 2)
WIS: 13 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 16 (max # of special hirelings: 6; retainer morale adjustment: +2; experience bonus: +5%)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Club (1d4); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4); 9 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Lock (minimum price); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 5 gp, 2 sp, 3 cp
Encumbrance: 73 lbs

20. Osolt Elrunner

Class: Thief
Ancestry: Halfling
Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common, Halfling, Alignment

Appearance: 3'6'' / 1.07 m, 115 lbs / 52 kg; golden hair; black eyes; milky white skin tone
Traits: available, shiftless, fretful

Hit points: 2
Armor class: 6[13]
Saving throw, Thief: 15
Saving throw modifier(s): +2 bonus against devices, including traps, magical wands or staffs, and other magical devices, +4 bonus on saving throw against any magic


STR: 15 (open doors: 1–2; carry modifier: +10 lbs)
DEX: 17 (missile to-hit modifier: +1; AC modifier: better by 1 point)
CON: 10 (hp per hit die modifier: 0; raise dead survival: 75%)
INT: 8 (max additional languages: 1)
WIS: 13 (experience bonus: +5%)
CHA: 8 (max # of special hirelings: 3; retainer morale adjustment: -1; experience bonus: none)

Class abilities

Backstab (+4 to-hit bonus and double damage when attacking from behind); thieving skills (climb walls: 87%; delicate tasks and traps: 20%; hear sounds: 3-in-6; hide in shadows: 20%; move silently: 30%; open locks: 30%).

Ancestry abilities

+1 bonus when using missile weapons.


Armour: 1 × Leather (-2[+2] AC)
Weapons: 1 × Club (1d4); 1 × Dagger (1d4; missile ROF 1, range 10’); 1 × Sword, bastard (1H 1d8; 2H 1d8+1); 1 × Sling (2H, ROF 1, range 40’); 1 × Stones, sling (20) (1d4); 9 × Dart (1d3, ROF 3, range 15’)
Gear: 1 × Thieves’ tools; 1 × Backpack (30-pound capacity); 2 × Sack (30 pounds capacity); 1 × Waterskin; 1 × Case (map or scroll); 1 × Bell; 3 × Chalk, 1 piece; 1 × Crowbar; 1 × Grappling hook; 2 × Rope, hemp (50 feet); 1 × Rope, silk (50 feet); 6 × Candle; 6 × Torch; 6 × Oil, lamp (1 pint); 1 × Flint & steel; 1 × Lock (minimum price); 1 × Signal whistle; 5 × Rations, trail (per day); 5 × Rations, dried (per day); 1 × Pot, iron; 1 × Bedroll
Coins: 5 gp, 2 sp, 3 cp
Encumbrance: 73 lbs

The end! I've rolled up 400 characters, covering all the ancestries and classes in the Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised rulebook. After a brief rest, I shall write a compilation post, hyper-linking all of them for ease of use.

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