Magick from an Artistic, Anarchist Queer.

Resilience Potion

It’s finally done, y’all! The most complicated potion I’ve ever made, and it seems to have worked (read: not molded), so I’m excited to share the recipe with you.

I will warn you: this recipe is fiddly. Definitely feel free to make substitutions.

You will need:

Put your dry twigs, leaves, and spell detritus into your fire safe container. I use an old copper kettle for my spellwork. On the side, set up whatever kind of invocation of intention you prefer to use for protection. I used Hestia—I frequently work with Hestia and invoke her for my protection often. To invoke her protection, I simply lit a candle and placed a crystal in front of it that I associate with her.

Once your intentions are set, light your dry twigs and leaves. You may have to relight them several times, because you want this to burn as thoroughly as possible. This process may take some time, and it can be rather smokey, so I advise doing it outside. You’re going to want to burn the leaves, twigs, and spell detritus as thoroughly as possible. Use this time to pray, meditate, or worship—whatever you prefer.

Once the fire has burned down as completely as you can get it to, let the ashes cool. Then, with your bare hands (yes, this is messy!) you’ll sift through the ashes, pulling out anything that you can’t easily crush. Add these pieces to your jar.

Once the ash is loose and fine, set it aside. It can be used for black salt later.

Take your jar and add or gather your left over storm water. You’re adding what remains after a fire to what remains after a storm—this is a potion for resilience, after all!

Once your jar is full, add three leaves of basil three times (nine in total).

Take your wand (or incense stick, or left hand) and make three clockwise circles around your jar, three times (for nine total). Then, screw the lid on tight, and leave the jar in the sun for three days to let the basil sun infuse.

When you’re done, you should have a light green/grey potion! You’ll have to sift out the leaves and chunky bits. Bottle it up and use it for anointing, spells, and anything else you want… just probably don’t drink it!

The idea behind this potion is that you’re taking what is left after various difficult things. A fire is representative of a hot, fierce, painful time. The chunky bits that remain have refused to be burned. A storm is representative of an emotional whirlwind that just won’t let you down, and the water that remains is the calm emotional state you want to be left with. Like I said, since this requires an entire burning ritual AND left over storm water, it can be a bit fiddly… but I have high expectations of the outcome.

Happy witchcrafting!