Creatieve schrijfsels voor de gevoelige mens

For all those who are Seeking

Enlightenment is just
You catching up with time

Enlightenment is just
Successfully processing your current situation
And what it has to do with your past

Enlightenment is just
Separating what you believe from what you know
What is real from what is true

Enlightenment is living
According to what you believe
Because that’s what is real for you
Yet knowing it might turn out
To be not really true

Enlightenment is giving thanks
For being proven wrong

For how else would we grow
The things we’re conscious of
The things that’re real for us
And the things we really know

How else would we align those things
With the truth of what is (t)here
That which we are

#English #Poetry #Spirituality #MagicOfLife #Devotion #PersonalPower #PersonalDevelopment #InnerWork

© 2024 Benjamin De Donder