A basic herbal guide.

Herb: Mint

Wild Mint, Mentha

As I walked through the park, a piece of fallen limestone rock caught my eye. Looking closer, I saw what my eye had recognized, wild Bermuda mint. This mint has the tell-tale square-shaped edge stem, a signature of plants in the mint family, however, the scent is quite different than peppermint or spearmint. Bermuda wild mint has a fragrance that is distinct from the classic mints and I would describe it as savoury.

Despite the difference in scent, use Bermuda wild mint in the same manner as you would peppermint or spearmint. Mints have a cooling profile and help to relieve digestive discomfort. Use the cooling nature of mint to determine if mint is the best remedy for tummy troubles – if it feels like 'hot' discomfort, then drink mint tea for cool relief.

Mints are also uplifting and energizing. The smell of the fresh herb or a cup of the tea can provide a jolt of energy to get you through a lagging afternoon. Mint is gentle to give to children if they have gas, but it may also be stimulating to their overall systems. Try to avoid giving mint to children or sensitive people at bedtime.

Try It Out

Collect the flowers from mint and them sprinkle on a fruit salad.

Drink mint with a few green tea needles after lunch to support digestion and to give you a midday energy boost.

General Benefits


Stimulant, Antispasmodic, Nervine, Essential Oils, Vitamin C, Chlorophyll