A list of lists of things
Seven things that caught my attention this week, enjoy!
- Collected syllabi by comics professor Nick Sousanis
- Looks to me that the acanthus motif is where Gothic Fleuronnée initials evolved from.
- The Mr. Keedy episode from Scratching the Surface gets repeated listenings during walks.
- “Leo Tolstoy on collective phenomena + the difficulty of locating emergence.“
- Music: Below by Lhaäd. “Lhaäd is an anagram for hadal: the deepest region of the ocean, lying within oceanic trenches. 'Below', where light is absent: the perfect surroundings for hadopelagic black metal.”
- Music: Space 1.8 by Nala Sinephro. “Caribbean-Belgian composer, producer and musician Nala Sinephro fuses meditative sounds, jazz sensibilities, folk and field recordings.”
- Forms of List-Making: Epistemic, Literary, and Visual Enumeration. “This open access book attempts to show that an examination of the list’s formal features has the potential to produce genuine insights into the production of knowledge, the poetics of literature and the composition of visual art.”