Relationship fails and everything in between. Will I ever find love or will I continue in this endless loop? Post links are underneath title. Thanks in advance!

Who Even are You??!!!!

Morning, lovely folks. Hope you had plenty of food, drinks, and fun. Lord knows I did.

Maybe I had a bit too much, to be honest. A shot of Jack, some Bacardi, yadda yadda…ya girl got wasted, ok?!?!?

Anyways, while this went on, me and the folks around me were talking about our worse high school relationships. Here’s mine:

12 grade. Senior year. The bridge to adulthood. I was feeling myself hard. I had managed to get on-site admissions to the school of my choice and was one of the top students in my class. I knew my dream career: Journalism (Now of course, things change over time. I ended up getting a degree in Economics.). I was on top of the freaking world.

I’ll never forget. The next week after getting accepted to school, I met a guy at my local library. Name was Sam. He was the tall, dark and handsome type and when he smiled, his face lit up, showing those deep dimples and pearly whites. Hot af.

We went to different schools. I was a city kid, he went to private school in the burbs. But we saw each other everyday after school faithfully. He asked me out after a week of us talking.

I was on a high. Everything was perfect: my future, my friends, my boyfriend (at the time). I thought this was it for me.

So on the 8th day of us being together, I went to the library with my friends and was so excited to meet him. I had made him a bracelet, as a reminder that I was always with him.

I walk into the library and head towards our usual study room. I open the door, and stop in my tracks: Sam is standing there kissing a mutual friend of our friend group!

I was in complete shock. I dropped my books. He sees me and hits me with the classic: “It’s not what it looks like” line. I couldn’t bear to stay in that place a moment longer. I could barely breathe.

I threw the bracelet on the floor and it broke apart. I ran out the library, with my best friend running after me. I didn’t stop running. I basically sprinted the entire way home. Ran right into my room and cried into my pillow.

(I know it may sound dramatic because, hey we were only together for 8 days but, I was a teenage girl with a huge crush. Can you blame me?)

I was a total mess. My friends had saw it and pitied me. They tried to reconcile me and all, but you know how your mind fucks with you: “Am I not enough?”, “What does she have that I don’t?”, “Am I a bad girlfriend?”, “If I would’ve had sex with him, would we still be together?”…

Fact of the matter is, that there is nothing I could’ve done to have stopped him from cheating. Anyone that wants to cheat, is most likely gonna do it. Is it shitty? Yes. Does it suck? A THOUSAND TIMES YES. Of course, it took some time for me to realize it at the moment. I felt like my little world had fell apart.

So apparently, he starts dating the chick he cheated on me with. The chick starts bashing me, saying he upgraded and how I wasn’t good enough insert eyeroll

He broke up with her after 5 days. Ha.

So shortly after that, he stopped coming to the library and I never saw him again to this day. But I heard some interesting stuff.

One of my friends from my home economics class told me that he lied about his entire identity. (Heard all this in my first month of college). Basically his name wasn’t even Sam, he wasn’t 17 (that’s what he told us), he was actually 20, never finished high school and was apparently homeless.

Can you believe that???? I can’t believe I fell for someone like that! I was so ashamed of myself. I literally dated a bum without knowing it. I never knew who he was.

Also, apparently he never showed up again because he got banned from the library for trying to have sex with another girl from my school.

So that, is one of my most tragic high school relationships. I have one that happened a couple months after, but I’ll tell you guys another time.

Ciao, lovies. Be safe and be sure to follow/subscribe.