Relationship fails and everything in between. Will I ever find love or will I continue in this endless loop? Post links are underneath title. Thanks in advance!

You Said You Were SINGLE????

Hey there lovelies. Hope your day is going well. I wish you radiant skin and warmth this beautiful November afternoon.

So I’m gonna it you guys with yet ANOTHER throwback (Dating life is kinda stagnant now). Sit back and enjoy, alright?

So, freshman year of college.

My first step into adulthood. First time living away from home and being free to make my own decisions without my mom and dad bothering me all the time.

I had decided to reinvent myself: I learned how to do hair, put on eyelashes, committed myself to a strict skincare routine and made a goal to gain weight to I could have some junk in the trunk. (Ya girl was the size of a string bean and I personally wasn’t happy with my my look.) I wanted to look more feminine and girly, including gaining curves.

It ended up working out! I loved my new look. It was definitely a daily commitment, but I liked how neat and feminine I looked. I felt comfortable in my skin.

While on this journey, I began to get more attention from the opposite sex. It made me feel good but I didn’t exactly know how to go about interacting with them too much, unfortunately. While I was an extroverted person, I was very awkward and had trouble talking to guys. I’d get ready shy or avoid them.

So anyways, I met a guy named James (I forgot his actual name lol). He was an RA in my building. He was tall (6’2”) with dreads and glasses. Really cute.

I had the biggest crush on him and whenever he put together events for the dorm, I’d be there. Because of this, he knew my name and face pretty well and we’d chat here and there. Call me Little Caesars, cuz I stayed hot and ready! (Bars)

He threw a party in our dorm on a Friday night and me and my girls rolled thru. Hair, lipgloss, earrings, everything poppin!

I started dancing and he ended up joining me. Ya know the usual, holding the waist, grinding, all of that. We danced together for about 5 songs straight. Shortly after, we ended up kissing right there on the dance floor.

I felt like the luckiest girl alive!

We exchanged phone numbers and I left and went to bed on cloud nine.

He texted me the next day and from then on, we texted basically 24/7, hung out, flirted and all that for a couple of weeks.

One night, I needed help with my homework (don’t ask what kind it was like 7 years ago) and I texted him. He came by but ya girl wasn’t focused on homework…

Things got hot and heavy and of course one thing led to another 😝. One of the best nights I had while in school.

We continued seeing each other for a couple months.

Then one day, I was on Snapchat, watching stories.

I ended up watching this one particular story from a girl I went to camp with.

Jaw dropped.

Her first post was a snap of James and her kissing and the caption said: Happy Two Year Anniversary babe!

I felt destroyed. Betrayed. Disgusted. He told me initially that he had went through a really bad breakup 6 months ago and was single because of that!

Thing is, I knew my camp friend had a boyfriend, but never knew his name or what he looked like. Mystery solved.

I instantly blocked him and ceased all contact with him. I couldn’t bear to even be around the dorm.

He kept using my student email to contact me and would leave notes under my door. I never answered.

That was the end of that.

Also, apparently another girl was in the mix and his girlfriend ended up finding out about that and left him.

And he got rejected from med school. So it all worked out.

Some people are just trash. Throw them out.

Ciao lovelies! 💕