What we're writing.

Up Next in 2021

We recently published an official roadmap for new features and developments coming up in the second half of 2021, across all of our products. Here’s a peek at what’s coming next for us!

Collaborative Blogging

A screenshot of a 'Park St. Members' page, including an 'Admin' user and an 'Editor'

Our next major step for Write.as includes collaborative blogging, or enabling multiple authors to publish to the same blog. This will be useful not only for publications and company blogs, but also individuals who want their friends, family, and collaborators to join them on their blog.

WriteFreely v1.0

The open source software behind our platform, WriteFreely, will reach version 1.0 later this year! This will mean it’s stable, well-documented, and on par with the individual writer experience on Write.as. With this foundational milestone met, we’ll start focusing on other functionality you find in our hosted Write.as suite and bringing it all into WriteFreely.

You can follow the WriteFreely Blog or our Fediverse account for future updates.


While we initially built Write.as to focus entirely on getting your thoughts out to the world, many writers in our community have sought out ways to interact with their readers. Later this year, we’ll launch Remark.as — an integrated, but optional, way to interact with readers and others in the Write.as community.

You can subscribe to updates on our Remark.as Blog or Fediverse account to be notified when this launches!

#comingNext #teams #WriteFreely #remarkas