[poem 3]
This line explicitly references the possibility of composing poem 1. This line is a metrical cog that is indispensable for the proper functioning of poem 2. Poem 2 is a sublation of poem 1. I washed my sheets, which was difficult because I was so attached to her. This line enacts a metaleptic slippage for emotional effect.
To create this line, the author meticulously copied out and pasted up around town letter by letter and word for word the acclaimed classic of literary world history world literary history using nothing but a brush and ink, a large roll of thin newsprint, and a bucket of wheat paste, a process so laborious that many asked why he hadn’t used a simpler computational method. This line is an entire novel, an acclaimed classic of the literary world, copied and pasted. This line gives an image of the system it is an integral part of, but only achieves this by stepping outside of the system and directly referencing it, thereby betraying itself as separate from and not integral to the system itself. Replacement to what effect?
In a topological semantics, one image of an aesthetic system involves the maximization of ambiguity, while networks of symbols continually surround a point of critical intensity. The locus amoenus for poetry is at this point of critical intensity just before complexity begins to wane and entropy continues to exponentiate. P equals q because when I look into the mirror and lean forward, the guy in the mirror leans back.