[the poacher of recall]
Hooked discs, taut eyebrows raised dismiss pity and flare naturally. Scarcely ordered dawdles relocate their ban on the skeletonized to torch the circumflex. You would have to bust our racket, a poor one for law, an oblong bulb being pointed like blab. To blab out oblivion. For die. To put them in a short time for a short piece of bread. Ashore went distrust, erecting geckos nobody understood, throwing some close ups at the curve, disqualifying some special part of spring.
Mopping up civilized worlds in newsprint. Prokaryotes, radiotherapists, conjecture of colorometers, what's needed to govern the deed where rhetoric disagrees, where whooshes turn up the drenching, trapping little wanton emcees, Celestial Jackfish in cashmere. Click to recall distrust, it requires momentum, this sea, the poacher of recall, monochrome blanketing lovelocked smoke in rhododendron. Oddities. Major cans of small letters.
Autocrats gesticulating with all of their elements inside messages pretending to be couples cozy on planes, or wisdoms sweetening their glossaries. To balk at the proposal of doing all these things. And did she seriously consider the seriousness of the debauchers nibbling at recondensed grunts, grunts ensphered in the corner of that conical stem engraved with Enormous Importance? The disjunct decreed those honors that she’d touched. The colored shore gasping at the demonic recoding of keystrokes, vetoed holepunchers, and other harmonies which subsist in the sounds of relations.