every minute of every hour...

“This is what we’ve been looking for since the day we met. Time. That’s what the Good Place really is — it’s not even a place, really. It’s just having enough time with the people you lov

so I’m finishing rewatching the good place and it’s good, I knew it would be

I just wasn’t ready

i really can’t thank you michael schur enough for all the good tv stories you’ve shared over the years, please don’t turn out to be secretly terrible, I’m really tired and I love your tv so much

but the thing is, thing is, I actually hate it, hate this ending

I hate that these characters get eternity to have enough with each other

enough that they feel like they can move on – the time enough to do that

I didn’t get that

you didn’t get that

how is that fair

it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s fucking not and I hate it

I’m still here. I don’t know what happens next. I thought I would, I thought we would always be connected, and this emptiness is killing me. I don’t know how to find you here

and i hate it, i hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it

and I can imagine anything, and everything, and none of it matters anymore

I miss you so much

I hate how this world exists without you
