Uncommon remote working tip: Don't be so efficient during meetings
Modeling relational data in a DynamoDB Single Table Design is hard to wrap your head around. Start your learning with these 3 resources
How 15 minutes a week and a simple list keeps my developer workflow humming
So you want to learn DynamoDB... skip the fluff & go right to the 400 level course with this video
3 questions to ask when deciding between a relational DB and DynamoDB for your project
2 reasons why side projects make you a better software developer
Automation eliminates excuses. Here's how I used Pipedream to send my blog posts to LinkedIn
Learning Vim can be overwhelming. Here's 3 tips from 10+ years of experience to make it easier
Vim is the best editor for software developers, full stop. Here's 5 reasons why I'm right
Why should you use Golang when starting new software dev side-projects? (Hint, move faster & spend less)
New to Golang? These are the first 3 resources you'd read as a new member of my team
Respect the time of your remote working peers and don't say "Hello!"
Struggling with DMs and questions interrupting your flow while working remote? Use Visibility Timeouts to take back your focus
Use this behind-the-curtain insight of 10x developers to accelerate your career
3 Simple Rules to give effective Code Review feedback
Developers, you should get better at design - Start with these 3 books
Eliminate this Hidden Procrastination to improve your developer efficiency
Avoid the overwhelm of chasing new libraries and frameworks with the Rule of 3
Day 1: The Ship is Setting Sail
Well this looks different