Many imagine that the psychology of advertising is a modern discovery
The future of AI and personal servers
The greatest hope is memory
Thoughts on the future of 3d printing
Bailouts without the moral hazard
Leonard Cohen's Avalanche is a song about Earth
Peer review worsens precision but improves recall
Gradient approximations in derivative-free optimization
Should power go to the people who want it?
To break out of prison, you gotta go through the sewer
Why mirrors flip left and right, but not up and down
A visual exploration of the softmax function
Grabby aliens or false vacuum decay bubbles?
Two cheers for the file system
Artificial Intelligence wants to be free
Computing the product of Gaussian distributions
The capital discipline of comma.ai
If group selection explains altruism, it could also explain masochism
The causes of and impediments to corporate Machiavellianism
On the unintended consequences of leadership training programs