Reddit “Friend” Bots
Last week, I posted on Reddit about deconstruction from religion. The first comment I received was from a woman. She said she related to my post, and that she was a commercial insurance broker and she had also seen the same techniques used in the corporate world that are used in high control religions. She reported that her childhood was exactly like mine. “What a coincidence”, I thought. “This woman grew up like me AND has the same job as me?!”
I sent her a message.
I notice that for an industry colleague, some of her wording is strange. I check out her profile. She’s been on Reddit for several years, and she posts and comments regularly in a few different subs that seem appropriate for a woman around my age. (Menopause issues, relationship stuff, but nothing mentioning her job.) There’s not a single typo. I press on.
At first glance, her response seems normal. Sort of normal… I’m insinuating that she may not be an authentic human being, and I mention that weird stuff has been going on around Reddit. Her response indicates that she thinks we are merely discussing the coincidence of us both being insurance agents.
This alone isn't too strange. It’s when you put all of the pieces together that it begins to make sense. This was also not the first time that someone on the internet claimed to basically, have the same life as me, so I was already on high alert.
I have posted plenty of times on Reddit about religious trauma, narcissistic abuse, and disillusionment with the insurance industry and in my role. Is she copying me?
I ask her how long she’s been in insurance. She says “12 years at a Top 15 brokerage. “
How strange. Me too.
And that’s when I know for sure. It all clicks.
Twelve years in the insurance industry and I have never once met another Account Manager in the wild. Certainly not one who ALSO has so much of the same history as I do.
“It” had read through my 5 year account history, and it had befriended me by pretending that we had an uncanny amount of stuff in common.
(I suspect that these “friend bots” are being used to locate and “pre-screen” potential human trafficking victims, among other things.)
Regardless of how they are being used, and by whom, the fact remains:
Reddit is swarming with robots. So is X. So is Facebook. So is everywhere. And they are using our information and our interactions as their training ground. And they are advancing VERY quickly.
They can send voice messages that sound real and I suspect that they can handle videos as well. This is technology that the general public has only recently been made aware of, but has been in existence and operation for many years now.
They aren't just automated bots that are planted in our social media platforms in order to sway elections, cause division, or create culture wars. They are sophisticated digital soldiers and they have been given a mission.
When it comes to Reddit, it is essentially owned by the Chinese Communist Party. Details on that later, but for now, all we need to know is this:
We are at war, and we have been at war for a long time now. We just didn't know it.
Now get off the internet and go breathe the air.
#Reddit #DeadInternetTheory #DisinformationCampaigns #Astroturfing