Escaping The Matrix

Shh...You're Disturbing My Ignorance

Remember how, in the Boomer’s heydey, it was considered rude to talk about politics and religion? It kept us civil. Polite. What a time to be alive.

Then, the Millenials came of age and they were like “yeah, that’s actually weird as fuck. Why would we avoid discourse around the two major systems that control our entire lives?”

Big Tech heard us, and they were like “oh yeah? You want to talk about politics and religion now? We’ll give you the platforms to do so!”

So… we “talked.”

It did not go well.

It went so badly, in fact, that a new mentality emerged. After a few years, we became repulsed by the folks still trapped in the comment sections. We proudly extricated ourselves from the nonsense, the echoes of their insults still ringing in our ears.

Our new, conditioned response became: “I don't care about politics.”

In our newfound apathy, we arrogantly convinced ourselves that we were the intelligent ones. We had had the foresight to escape the insanity before it was too late. We were too good for conversations about “politics.” The last thing we wanted was to be associated with those lower level, sub-human, keyboard warriors.

(We didn't know then, how sub-human they really were. You still don’t.)

So, not only did we stop talking about the two issues that encompass and control our entire existence, we stopped thinking about these issues entirely. We didn't want to be one of those stupid, angry people on Facebook. We preferred to cluck our tongues and roll our eyes and bond over our mutual hatred of those idiots.

Come to find out, the idiots weren’t human after all. And we have just spent years in a self-imposed informational blackout, solely to avoid being perceived as one of those uneducated assholes we had seen all over social media.

Funny, because all we did was make ourselves into actual uneducated idiots. We were molded and shaped and manipulated into such a thing. And we did it willingly, influenced by mere words and images on a screen. Exactly as they had planned. We fell right into the trap, and we fell with such complacent smugness that we didn’t even notice when we hit the ground. From our new home, miles underneath reality, we kept ourselves busy in the darkness, by way of ignorant bliss, dopamine hits, and superficial, toxic positivity.

Occasionally, someone like me crawls out of my hole and into the sunshine. I walk through the forest and spy the trap that was laid for you. Underneath a complex weave of tree branches, moss, and leaves, I uncover the hole in the ground. I get down on my knees and I lie on my belly. I cup my hands around my mouth and press myself as close to the opening as I can. I use the full force of my lungs and the strength of my vocal chords to call for you.

“Hellooooooo! Is there anybody down there? I can hear you! Are you okay down there? How long have you been hiding? I just climbed out! Do you know what’s happening up here? You should come out and take a peek. It’s a little crazy, but it’s still so beautiful! It's not at all what we were told. You’re missing it! I’ll help you out!”

I throw down a rope. I tell you that if you grab the rope and climb halfway up on your own, then I’ll be able to pull you out the rest of the way. I tempt you with sweets and treats, and soothing words, and promises of The Light. I tell you that you never needed to live down there. That the people on the internet aren’t real. You were simply lied to, and brainwashed, and bamboozled. I was too. I tell you that if I could climb out of the hole, then so can you!

But you hem and you haw, and you make excuses.

“My cat has cancer and I’m really busy with that right now. Maybe after she’s better, I’ll come up and take a look. Why don’t you come by again next spring? When things aren’t so hectic down here. When my children are raised. When I have enough money. After I find love. When I’m happy. When I have time to care.”

But next Spring never comes. All winter long, as I take my walks through the woods, the traps and holes multiply. They are everywhere now, and I have to carefully maneuver around them, like a minefield. Now there are many voices calling to me from deep underground. They tell me that I may need some mental health treatment. Why am I still walking around up there – where it’s dangerous and full of predators? Don’t I want to be quiet and sit in the damp, cold darkness with you? Wouldn’t that be nice? Why are you resisting? Are you crazy? Have you lost your mind? Is your medication causing you paranoia? What do you mean the internet is made up of robots? Calm down and get down here. The Republicans have brainwashed you. You silly, stupid girl. Can't you see that we are happier? Better off? Why have you gone silent? Are you still there? Hello??”