We've Been Bamboozled
From within my digital prison, I watch the story unfold. The story they are selling. The one that has been customized just for me, based on 15+ years of fine-tuning my algorithms.
The story says that President Biden has pre-pardoned Dr. Fauci.
A few weeks prior, Jenner Furst's documentary was released, titled Thank You, Dr. Fauci. In the film, Fauci is exposed as pretty much the most vile human to ever exist (including Hitler).
The documentary sought to prove that Anthony Fauci was involved with the Wuhan lab where COVID-19 originated, that the pandemic was a result of an intentional lab leak, and that Fauci helped to orchestrate the entire plan.
News of the “the lab leak theory” had crossed my digital world in 2020. I noticed that the mere mention of this theory was being met with vitriol, hostility, and nationwide humiliation campaigns. This was familiar to me, after having spent the last ten years suddenly being violently harassed for my well researched decision to delay and selectively vaccinate myself and my children. I suspected that the online hate campaign against “anti-vaxxers” was the “pre-programming” phase that would cause the entire country to be perfectly willing to take an injectible, experimental drug. They wouldn’t want to be as moronic as those anti-science people. Not them. They were too sharp. They believed in Science.
I have no clue why Fauci was pre-pardoned. It certainly seems fishy, but I now understand that this isn’t a simple game of reverse psychology. That would imply that there are only two sides, and two truths. There is not. This is what they have always wanted us to believe. There are layers to this, and not a single one of us has the ability or the resources to root out the truth. Thus, the images and text that I consume and the words that I hear from within my digital prison must ALL be taken with a grain of salt.
I’ve had to do this several times before in my life. I am no stranger to propaganda, indoctrination, and mass psychosis.
I have endured the long, mentally excruciating process of deconstructing from a high control religion. Anyone who has done so has a thing or two to teach you about brainwashing and how it works.
I have studied feminism for the last 30 years, and I fully understand the inner workings of the patriarchy and how it functions to control women. It is what allows our society to operate like a well oiled machine. Productive oppression. Women are stifled and overburdened by the demands of motherhood and wifedom, while desperately fighting for every shred of professional success we can manage. We have been brainwashed to believe that love, romance, partnership, and motherhood will make us happy. And yet, they don’t. They are made impossible so that we will sink into guilt and shame and believe we are failures. And then we will keep trying. Because what we don't realize (but “They” certainly do), is that women are the most powerful force on earth. They need us to procreate, but once we become mothers, we discover that we are warriors. A million different techniques are used to convince us that we are wrong.
I have seen, up close, how corporations abuse their employees through gaslighting, breadcrumbing, isolation, and other forms of coercive control.
For five years, I loved and lived with a sociopathic narcissist, who was skilled at covert manipulation and abuse. He singlehandedly destroyed my entire life, and any shred of identity or dignity I had left.
In order to recover and heal from these experiences, in which my mind was so tangled that I no longer knew which way was up, one primary thing had to happen.
I had to let go of everything I had ever believed, and everything I had ever been taught. I had to force myself to return to square one. A blank slate. And then, I had to rebuild, one tiny piece at a time, until the story had been built correctly. Until the story was true. Or at least, more true than it had ever been before.
While I was deconstructing from modern Christianity, I wouldn't have sat in a Baptist church every Sunday as I was trying to make sense of things. That would have only added to the confusion, and prolonged the deconstruction process.
Similarly, I found that I could not clear the absolute fog of cognitive dissonance and psychological warfare that had been inflicted on me while I was still trapped in my captor's grasp. I had to escape, and then remain in no-contact. Radio silence. The answers were not found in books or media or others. They were found deep within me.
What I learned, after untangling the patriarchy, corporate abuse, religious indoctrination, and covert intimate psychological abuse was this -
The most effective way to control a human being is by inducing fear and uncertainty. Once you have succeeded at this, you must then introduce a “savior.” This savior can be a person, a group, or an ideology (political affiliation, religion, “Science”, government) that they will cling to in an attempt to soothe their fears.
Once they have attached to this “savior”, you can begin planting false narratives. They will believe anything you say. Even better, they will tow the line you're feeding them and they will tow it LOUDLY, even if they are proven to be unequivocally wrong. If they were to admit that they'd been bamboozled, even on a singular topic, the house of cards would instantly collapse. They'd have to move their game piece back to start, just like I've have had to do, over and over again. Speaking from experience, this is an incredibly difficult and terrifying feat. The ego reflexively revolts. It is a battle against yourself.
All to say – I don't know if Anthony Fauci helped to orchestrate or cover up a lab leak at Wuhan back in 2019. I don't know why President Biden has pardoned him. I don't know if “They” are working on building a narrative against China so that we have a “reason” to go to war so that everyone up top can make more money.
I don't know shit. And neither do you.
The world has spent decades programming us to believe that people who don't stay “informed” on current events are choosing to be blissfully ignorant. Irresponsible in some way. Lacking in intellect. Dangerous.
And yet, five years ago, “They” shot down anyone even contemplating the possibility of a lab leak. Today, it's being (gasp!) revealed as the origin of the pandemic.
Make no mistake, this is the system hard at work, continuing on with the old, worn out “divide and conquer” tactic. And it's happening because they have continually memory holed us.
Get the fuck out of the digital prison that has been manufactured and tailored just for you. Step outside of it for a moment. Call your family member or your old friend that voted for the “wrong” mascot and caused you to sever the relationship. Go talk to the lady down the street who has a pride flag in her window. Go back to start. Deconstruct and build your reality based on your own personal, face to face, real live interactions and experiences. Nothing you see here is real. Not even me.
#Fauci #COVID #MemoryHole #MassFormationPsychosis #LabLeakTheory