A Letter of Disappointment that will Never be Sent.
This is a letter I write to the mother's and father's who abandoned their sons and daughters. Along with the ungrateful children who have forgotten those who have brought them into life. For those who deliver no joy to life nor find flavor on their tongue. For those who are tormented by hopelessness without realizing they are infatuated by it to the point of searching for misery just to rebel against only to find misery loves company. Only to realize pain as a reminder of sacrifice in the lesson of compromise which necessary to not just survive but to strive for not just one self but for loved ones and strangers alike. If all goes according to plan by the time we leave this plain of existence that we perceive as life on Earth, acquaintances will be countable on both hands and true friends if fortunate, countable on one hand. For those who cause misery in those who are near the edge looking down, those who enjoy being the a gust of wind that pushes an tormented soul over the edge causing their demise. For those who have seen a tormented soul ridiculing them, never realizing one day that could be them. For the ones who believe in chaos and disorder and imply those ideals in others spreading across minds as a plague, for that is exactly what it is. This letter is for children who have been mistreated, traumatized by the actions of those responsible for their beliefs. For those who use words like venom in others existence and slowly poison what little life they have left until either consumed or become accustomed and can lead to
Triumph in the form of courage. Or will consume every bit of ones being and become the instrument of demise. This is a letter that will never be sent for it describes the whole world.
By: CBC (🧀)