(Insight Into Mental Illness After SeekingHelp)
Today is Monday October 22, 2020
It's a fresh almost brisk night, good for night jogging or maybe some early fishing. The morning that you will know you will be in for a slow breath of fresh air that will bring you a crisp invigorating smile fit to take on the day and forget the existence of time because you will be slave to Time no more for it enslaves us all. That is the sentiment I feel at the current moment mindset. So let's do this. Or as in a very wise man once told me, “ Let's knock this shit out and go home!”. That is where I believe I absorbed this mindset and thanks to him, whether or not I realized it at the time, is going to be the mindset I will focus the most towards the end of my journey. Only after balance is restored of coarse. None is more important for functionalities of the human condition then the equilibrium of a fine tuned and well maintained instrument of focus disciplined . Which path leads in that direction? It would be up to you. I've observed the business end of it. Now that I understand the fundamentals of the way of gain and loss. Chess is the master in this epiphany. With great gain comes great cost. So in order to to be victorious you must become familiar with both compromise and sacrifice. Along with the emotional strain accompanied by torment that will cause one to strengthen own flaws in character that will restrain you from finding the most sustainable balance that will bring you consistency only after brilliance has been established in the form of achievement. The reward of which being both self and sense is accomplishments to which the sky will no longer be the limit for the universe will be ours to call home. Not in the form of separation, distribution, litigation, nor profit but though unity in the name of progress not profit. We achieve to become stronger in times when humanity is at its most vulnerable. Triumph threw anguish will bring clarity that will set us on a path of progress that will be only possible by confronting an outside force. We must strive for a expansion of self awareness and a better understanding of our universe and all that our universe. Our source of energy is unique to us. For this universe provided the nourishment for our existence.
By: CBC. (🧀)