Insight into mental illness. Bipolar Schitzo effective

Unresolved Childhood Trauma
Today is Monday February 10th and it's 3:46 a.m and I feel like I need to get this off my chest.

I went ahead and copied my biological mother's Graciela “ Chela” Bravo Castillo married now as a Gonzales's screen recording of the conversation we had through messenger when I was explaining to her about my repressed memory of being sexually abused as a child when I was 5. We found him hanging dead in the coat closet the next day. Here figured he knew he was going to be caught on account that I went into shock and began convulsing. He thought I passed away but I'm reality I felt as if I woke up disconnection and inconvenience later on that night not remembering anything that occurred. I also told her that it happened to me again when I was 9 or 10 years old by the front neighbor and his friend when we lived at 484 B St CA. To which she responded to stop bothering my sister while she is studying. It turns out my mother knew all along and decided to do absolutely nothing about it.

Here the link

?I don't know what else to do?