I'm Cheri Baker, an author of mystery and science fiction. Welcome!

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No Siesta No Fiesta

I saw that written on a t-shirt here in Spain and it made me laugh. No nap, no party. That sounds about right to me.

Most businesses close in the afternoons here. They shut down around 3 or 3:30 and reopen at 6:30 or so. It's considered rude to call someone on the phone during siesta time. Everything slows down, but in the evening, the city is busy until midnight or later.

Siesta, then Fiesta.

This is the first time that P and I have gone along with the siesta thing in Spain. We eat lunch late, take a walk, then come back to our rental for a shower and a nap. A lot of times I don't even fall asleep. I just close my eyes for a bit. Evenings arrive with far more energy after a short rest. I catch a second wind, almost every time.

It felt strange getting into bed at 4 or 5 at night for a short snooze. Yet I've come to look forward to it. A nap is a tiny oasis where I can recover, every day.

I'm like a kindergartner, taking a nap on a mat after recess.