Whistleblowing how Swiss authorities are (co)responsible for child kidnapping, sexual and psychological violence on children, and persecute whistleblowers.

(sexual) violence against children: who should act ?

Swiss authorities keep saying they can not act in the face of child sexual integrity violations (CSIV), that it is someone else who should act. This is another the Swiss authorities get on my wick topic in two parts.

In this 2 part series:
part 1: Who must act in CSIV according to international law ? covers the basics in international law
part 2: Swiss authorities hot potato pushing in child sexual violence explains how Swiss authorities abuse of trust and power to not act.

Just for memory's sake, CSIV includes violations of:
– child victim physical integrity
– child victim psychological integrity
– child victim rights
– child and adult witness psychological integrity
– child and adult witness rights.
Witnesses can be those who see the acts being performed, or receive information about CSIV.

The UN mentions repeatedly throughout its communication:

One of the main reasons that children all over the world continue to be abused and mistreated is because people don’t speak out against it.

Answering the question who is responsible to act doesn't seem relevant. One word:


And I agree. I believe everyone should act in the face of CSIV, regardless of distinction as the UDHR states in article 2.

According to UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children:

Sexual violence against children is shrouded in silence and stigma, underpinned by harmful social norms and gender inequality.

Since people don’t speak out against it, WHY ?

What is it that brought out the white march quarter of a century ago? Some 300.000 people out in the streets in protest against (Belgian) authorities, demanding accountability for the mistakes made by the whole chain of command ... and why is it that nothing really changed?

What is it that brings together 330.000 victims of CSIV in the 2021 report by the CIASE ... and people do not gain the momentum?

What is it that the CIIVISE references in 2022 some 160.000 children per year (!) fall victim to CSIV in France alone ... and one year later people are deafeningly silent on the subject?

Not enough hard data? What's wrong with us all, with society as a whole?

Jean-Marc Sauvé, the rapporteur of the CIASE commission in France, stated on July 21st 2020:

La parole des victimes est extrêmement décapante. Nous faisons l'expérience d' une souffrance qui est profonde, qui est durable. Nous mesurons que les abus sexuels sont une ouvre de mort. Et il faut que tout cela soit reconnu, et qu'on en tire toutes les conséquences en terme de prévention, et en terme de réparation, de reconstruction.
La parole des victimes c'est-elle libéré dans la mesure que vous attendiez?
La parole s'est libéré autant qu'il était possible. Il ne faut pas se faire d'illusions. Il y a des personnes qui ne peuvent toujours pas parler, qui ont choisi de tourner la page, et qui ne s'exprimeront pas. Donc, il ne faut pas croire qu'on vas permettre de faire la lumière sur la totalité de ce qui c'est passé. Ce qui est important c'est de passer d'une ignorance quasi totale sur se phénomène qui est un des phénomènes des plus cachés qui soit. Se mouvement la, il ne s'arrêtera pas. Il ne doit pas s'arrêter.
Vous espérez un jour le refermer ce dossier?
Oui, vraiment. Présider cette commission, c'est une épreuve. Et je dirais qu'on aspire a en être un jour déchargé. S'occuper de ce sujet ne peut pas nous laisser indemne. En tout cas, nous aspirons tous, un jour, a déposer ce fardeau. Mais pas pour s'en débarrasser, mais pour avoir fais le job, pour avoir répondu a la commande qui nous a été passée de la manière la plus complète possible.

Sexual violence on children is a work of death.

What is wrong with us for accepting the work of death to continue ?

The CIIVISE offers the omerta explanation:

Pour la Commission, l'urgence, c'est de repérer les victimes actuelles, car chaque année, 160 000 enfants subissent des violences sexuelles. « Il faut aller les chercher », estime la Commission. Il ne faut pas attendre qu'ils viennent demander de l'aide, eux à qui leur agresseur impose le silence.

Don't expect victims of CSIV to not remain silent

Who still speaks in the media about the phenomenon? Is it that miraculously all CSIV stopped almost overnight, and I missed it? Is it that people do not care?

Switzerland, a country posturing as being far superior to the rest of the world, prides itself as having less then 350 cases of CSIV per year !

I've said it before: all child sexual offenders, flock to Switzerland, it is your safe haven in praxis and in law.

Who must act?

part 1 part 2

*< Forever young > is playing in the café I'm sitting in as I write these lines about the most horrid form of killing youth and lives...*

Tags: #Rights #Sexual

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