From the mind (and hands) of Chris Gwilliams

So Many Weeks In – Starting from 0 (or -1)

It has been more than 2 months (with the exception of a few days) since I have been back in my apartment and almost all of that time has been spent with uncertainty being the word of the day.

It is funny that all of this happened because I did not have the skills to cope with what I was feeling and could not accept that it was real but now it does truly feel so unreal that I almost cannot remember the person that I was when I left Finland in June.

A period of no-contact has ended and certainty now exists. Echoing from my first post about this, I am deeply sorry to any one that has been hurt by my actions. Notably, this most recent relationship was me acting in ways I have not acted before and taking coping mechanisms/negative behaviours to extremes that I did not even think I was capable of. Partly, that mental compartmentalisation, that separation of self, made it somehow easier to split those coping mechanisms from “daily life” and to ignore how out of control I really was. In many ways, this was the epitome of “to start again, you first have to burn it all down”. This created a version of me that I never want to identify with and struggled to accept for a long time.

Coming back and facing that empty apartment, calendar, bed and life, is soul crushing. Acceptable, sure. Understandable, certainly. But soul-crushing nonetheless. Gaining that certainty was so freeing, however, to not feel subject to all the thoughts that my brain could throw at me and to allow me to see the situation from the harsh reality that it truly was. Not only that, it forces one to address harsh truths that we may not want to think about (or accept) about ourselves.

Urges of joining dating apps/sites flare up anew (it feels like a testament to how much I wanted it to work that those urges did not exist for so long) and the need for some certainty/direction begins to eat at me. The harshest truth to accept is likely this:

I do not truly know who I am when I am not with somebody and I let myself get consumed by a relationship in order to help the person I care about succeed, at the cost of losing myself.

Interestingly, I must accept that progress has been made. This has typically been done through masking or hiding my own needs or acting in the way I think they want but that has not been true for some years. In the case of this last relationship, I could not accept the positive view that my partner had of me, that I added any value nor that they really wanted the dream we both discussed; so I had to constantly silence those thoughts and also show my value through actions all of the time. It sounds exhausting, but it wasn’t, this person was so supportive and validating that my actions almost make no sense to me without accepting the fact that I wanted that shared future so badly but could not accept deserving it.

What I have been reading

What I am learning/figuring out

Goals (the realistic ones I can actually do something about):

– Learn Swedish (and continue with German)
– Meditate as much as possible
– Use this blog as the scratchpad/outlet when needed
– Own my past but do not get defined by it
– Figure out why I am constantly tired and if it truly is the Finnish air or this pesky narcolepsy that Finland does not seem to want to accept