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CoralApp, Heralding The First Women-focused dApp on A Global Scale

We can all agree that COVID-19 posed a significant barrier to the progress of most, creating a crisis in both the economic and social aspects of women's lives. However, the Coral dApp is a welcome change for women to shift the course of their daily routine during trying times.

Coral dApp is an application that is being built on the Zilliqa blockchain, conjoined with the seamlessly-working Google’s Flutter. It aims to create a less stressful environment for women from every professional sector and cultural background while enabling them to remain completely pseudonymous in the community.

Despite other applications that support women's lifestyles, there are just too many trackers and applications that crowd our smart phone screens. Coral dApp offers its users this opportunity to use one single app for their wellness tracker, community forum, global peer-to-peer shopping, and access to experts in different fields while integrating other exciting decentralized features to sustain their cause.

Understanding The Coral dApp

Kicked off in 2020, the decentralized platform will offer women access to self-improvement, tools, life hacks, the ability to exchange entrepreneurial ideas, and develop a global network of like minded people. Research suggests that women make up 85% of all consumer purchasing decisions, and account for $7 trillion in consumer and business spending. This staggering number is a testament to what could ensue on this platform as women from around the world converge.

The platform will utilize blockchain technology, eliminate ads and paywalls users may encounter while using current applications. For those who might not have disposable income or hail from developing nations, this is indeed a great equalizer.

As decentralization is expanding the possibilities around autonomous governance (DAO) and peer-to-peer interactions, women worldwide can interact indefinitely across all countries. Furthermore, with the current technological advancements, many of the world's population has access to the Internet and smartphones, making it easier to establish connections.

Coral dApp recognizes that women need to come together to build a community that supports their progress, understand the obstacles they face but also celebrate their differences in culture and lifestyle.

The Coral dApp Features

The Coral dApp team considered the Zilliqa blockchain as the most favorable choice for the application since it aligned well with its features and use of decentralized autonomous organizations (DOA) model. Furthermore, the Zilliqa platform will facilitate the dApp's smart contracts' deployment. Smart contracts will be the solution to keeping personal data in the user's hands while maintaining a scalable transaction space.

Equally, Coral dApp aims to create a straightforward user interface favorable for everyone. It is also working on an in-built wallet to encourage a more user-friendly approach to wallet usage on the platform. Although the Coral dApp team is yet to release the tokenomics of its platform; those interested are encouraged to follow their progress on Twitter and Telegram.

With that said, let's get right into notable features on the dApp:


The G-Chat section is the community forum of the Coral dApp. Once they are on the platform women can discuss various topics anonymously. The platform has incentivized participation by offering users rewards on Coral dApp through the Coral Seashells token (CRL).

Wellness Tracker

Women have many events in their lives, such as menstruation, pregnancy, weight loss journeys, nutrition, and more. Coral offers a feature that will help their users keep track of their health conditions while also allowing them to participate in healthy living challenges with other users.

G-Expert Corner

For the women interested in acquiring consultation services from professionals on the platform, the G-Expert Corner is here to take care of your needs. Various professionals and counselors can schedule appointments for users who seek advice concerning other health, business, financial factors, and more.

Shop Coral

Shop Coral will be an in-built marketplace that facilitates setting up online stores by users of the platform. Women can transact with each other on items that are unique to their country. The wallet will be of further advantage in a seamless exchange between vendors and their customers.

Advocating for Women's Social Good

To support women empowerment initiatives, Coral dApp will be dedicating 10% of all proceeds from the platform profit on campaigns that better women's livelihoods worldwide. That includes availing women in developing countries with basic education technology, distributing sanitary products, grants to include women's financial capabilities, and school gadgets and fees for all.

Please take advantage of this new sharing experience by joining the Coral dApp and its incredible community today!