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Core Group: Aligning Blockchain With the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

In 2012 all UN member states adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as global goals in 2015, to address poverty and increase global peace. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 global goals designed to be a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable inclusive future for all. With blockchain’s fundamentals of transparency, algorithmic consensus, and shared distributed record-keeping, it represents a technological opportunity and inspiration to create value to the SDGs in a responsible way. As an emerging technology of trust and with its transformative possibilities benefits are wide ranging to build a more broadly inclusive global society. The Core Group subscribes to the reflection of the SDGs ambitious intentions, the principle not to leave anyone behind and therefore designed their Core Techfin platform with the aim to increase global reach by giving an all-in-one platform that not only offers a financial services platform but also a marketplace platform built on a communications network that can execute the Core Blockchain based transactions even without access to the internet.

Core Group is a software platform built on the Core Blockchain Network and Core Smart Contract platform for data management in all forms of digital identity, and other transaction-related solutions on its proprietary mesh network.

Core Group and the SDG's

Business plays a vital part in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The Core Group suite of products, not only provide a global unique services platform to an all-inclusive global society, but it also provides corporate companies to align their SDG implementation strategies as well as measure and manage their contribution to the SDGs.

The Core Blockchain Based Platform allows companies to maximize their contribution to the SDGs. The implantation of corporate SDG initiatives on a Core Smart Contract platform ensures transparent sustainability is the outcome of their core business strategy, contributed through their core activities, whilst the Core Impact Investment Factor Analytics Platform assesses corporate impact, allowing for ambitious goals and communicating transparently about the results.

When talking to the guys and girls at Core Group, they will tell you they are still in the early stages of exploring their Core Blockchain potential, and many of the most exciting and compelling uses are still to come, especially as they expand their mesh network and their EduTing platform.

Keep on reading to better understand Core Group and its features, which we believe, will change the future of blockchain and SDGs.

The Core Group's Services

Ping Exchange

Ping Exchange, which is still in development and will be released in various stages with various functionalities, is a real decentralized exchange platform with a specific focus on user-friendly trading including a P2P barter trade community. Ping exchange is the key component in the Core Token Circular all-inclusive Digital flow of Economy. Ping Exchange will be released in consecutive versions as they will be ready and or acquire their regulatory approvals. It is our opinion that the most promising aspect of Ping Exchange is the underlying blockchain technologies and the trading of cryptocurrencies is the perfect combination for us to be able to interact across the borderless, unrestrained network of the Core Token Eco-System of Digital Identity, transacting and executing document exchange.

Ping Exchange is a trading platform for virtual currencies, tokens, commodities, and financial assets. It's also a hybrid exchange because it combines the properties of both centralized and decentralized exchanges.

Many exchanges deal with crypto to crypto, fiat to fiat, crypto to fiat, and vice versa. However, Ping Exchange includes the exchange of crypto and other commodities with the added feature of trading digital assets as well as digital identity and document exchange. Here are a few characteristics associated with the platform:

Liquidity- This exchange supports liquidity through the digitation and functioning and or tokenization of financial bankable instruments, assets and or any transaction of value.

Transparency- in the financial world, transparency is vital. Ping exchange is built on the Core Blockchain Network, a decentralized transparent digital ledger. Traders can, look into transaction records at any time in the future.

Security- All funds in Ping Exchange are collected in wallets. All wallets in Ping Exchange are using the ED448 Edwards curve cryptography of Core Blockchain.

Diversity- Since it's made in the belief that all things can be digitized, it offers a wide range of P2P exchanges. As earlier stated, this includes crypto to other commodity exchanges.

Autonomous smart contracts- The Core Token Contract Platform deployed on the Ping Exchange allow exchange on a peer to peer basis without the involvement of other central authorities.

The services offered in the Ping Exchange include the conversion of crypto, fiat, other token assets, and commodities. Ping exchange also allows users to trade between different markets. Their storage is highly secure since it's offline, all in cold wallets; thus, it's not prone to hacking.

We are told by Core Group that development in the near future on Ping Exchange will also include:

Escrow platform

OTC platform

Crypto custodial platform

Wall Money

Wall Money, which is still in development and financial licensing phase, is a platform that allows small businesses additional income streams by incorporating other monetary services like crypto and fiat exchanges. Therefore, it is a banking as a service platform that supports lending, hedging, money remittance, internet banking, account issuance, and more.

One trader currently has several accounts for trading shares, then others for trading crypto and also bank accounts. Wall Money, however, offers all these services just on the platform. It's a one-stop-shop for all financial services.

Core Pay

The Core Pay platform is still in the development stages but aims to let its users, e.g., banks and other businesses, offer state of the art payment services. The payments can be made in crypto and fiat. This platform will allow merchants to accept anything of value as payment, including barter swaps.

Core Token

Core Token is a smart contract and tokenizing platform that allows anything of value to be digitized to fit in a blockchain-based environment. Core Token projects use blockchain technology to execute their processes in a more secure, transparent environment.

Core Token, therefore, using blockchain technology allows for decentralized digitization of primarily everything around us. Whether it's processing financial transactions, service provision, product selling, data transmission, and or asset trading, the tokenization of everything is possible. Core Token is an interoperable platform and allows the linking of all blockchain networks and other cloud databases on the same platform.

The advantage of digitized Core Tokens is that anything can be recorded into the blockchain databases. Also, they offer clients or token holders unlimited access to any information recorded in blockchains about a product or a service.

Core Blockchain

It's the Core Group's blockchain that uses ED448 cryptographic security. This blockchain allows for interoperability with other blockchains that require its services. Core Coin has smart contract functionality, decentralized applications, supporting stable tokens, crypto, commodity, and digitized value items in the marketplace.

Core Coin utilizes the Core Group’s MESH Network with custom protocols developed that have a 98% global coverage. This allows the Core Blockchain to transmit transactions without the use of the internet. It uses the latest cryptography therefore it is highly secure and the most decentralized of all blockchains. Its smart contract platform offers fast transaction verification of 7 seconds per block. Core Blockchain brings financial information to the crypto world by using enhanced address structures, simplifying the transfer of holders of value to a receiver's address.

Some of the Core Blockchain features are as follows:

Interoperability- The blockchain allows creating private networks. That helps other blockchains take advantage associated with the Core Blockchain, which includes speed and bridging to fiat. These side chains and permissioned chains can use all the services offered by the Core Group.

Smart assets - Core Blockchain Allows you to custom-build advanced smart contracts for your use case structure within the Core Token Smart Contract platform - That includes all arrangements backed by the legal environment

Security- Highly secured using Edwards curve(ED448) with 224-bit security and decreased adverse effects.

Why You Should Invest With Core Group

Core Group aims to tokenize, digitize all aspects of the economic and financial World. That will be achieved by the tokenization of everything, thus making the whole World a smart city.

The aim of investing in a permanent secure Core Blockchain is to ensure that all transactions and digital details are maintained. Any platform using the Core Blockchain will get unlimited benefits, including a bridge to the fiat world. However, for the Core Group to get to this point, more investors need to come on board. Be part of the future of the financial world by investing in the Core Group Tokens and Core Group Holding.

Source: Crypto Adventure