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Everything you need to know about SafeToken

Since its foundation, the cryptocurrency market has experienced its share of ups and downs, just like any new technology. While its most obvious downside is being volatile, some state laws also adversely affect the industry. China, among other countries, had even banned ICOs back in 2017 as it was opposed to the idea of adopting cryptocurrencies.

Nonetheless, the cryptocurrency industry is still developing steadily and more vital than ever and is projected to gain mass adoption. China has also taken a U-turn in its decision about cryptos. It is a fantastic investment opportunity, and with the development of cryptos like SafeToken that are 100% safe and community-centered, this world keeps on becoming more interesting.

This review will focus on why you can trust your hard-earned money SafeToken and all you need to know about it. Thus it's a good read for any investment-minded or knowledge-seeking people.

SafeToken Overview

SafeToken is designed to generate frictionless yield, token burn as well as auto-liquidity. The auto-liquidity feature ensures that 5% of every transaction is stored and locked in a liquidity pool.

The frictionless yield concept actualizes the idea of earning without doing any work, whereby another 5% of the transaction cost is split proportionately among the holders. For users to start earning, they ought to sign up and buy some coins only. These users keep on gathering more and more tokens.

SafeToken Safety

With so many online scammers out there, it can be challenging to know which currencies to trust and which ones form the scam list. It is advisable to conduct enough due diligence before committing to investing in any type of online currencies to avoid losing money.

SafeToken has a significant focus on its authenticity and the safety of users. Just like its name suggests, SafeToken is 100% secure. Up to date, the token has been through three rigorous and successful audits with positive reviews that summarize the smart contract as well secured. Thus, this makes it impossible for hackers to scam you. The audits were done by Rug Detectives, War on Drugs, and Captain Jack.

According to a report on Twitter, War on Drugs reported that SafeToken has no possibility of Dos or backdoors from an owner's perspective. The transaction fee is fixated at 10%, and about 51% of the total supply was burned at the launch of SafeToken.

Captain Jack also gave their report findings summary on Twitter, stating that individuals can neither control contracts nor remove the liquidity pool. They also found the token to be rug proof and no possibility of ownership transfer.

Rug Detectives gave a comprehensive report that was done via Mythril, remix IDE, and Slither. Generally, they found no critical, high, medium, or low-level vulnerabilities. In their opinion, the smart contract is well-secured from a scale that spans from insecure, poorly secured to secured and well-secured. The primary code of the system is well protected, and no developer can access it.

SafeToken also has a smart contract file that contains a SafeMath and address, a well-written and compact contract. SafeToken's library is a part of its algorithm, which is a smart contract that features a reusable code. The coding that has designed the token is well-commented, which provides rich documentation for return variables, functions, etc. users can therefore rest easy knowing that their investment is well protected.

Community-Centered Cryptocurrency

The token is entirely community-driven; thus, all powers are vested upon the holders. The approach simply means that all power is vested upon all holders. This approach ensures no risks, and coin holders are assured that their investments' safety is assured even as this token gradually grows.

The token features community votes, events, and listings. It also ensures transparency in all actions and decisions made by involving the community members. The community is great and has ambitious users who are also committed to its growth and success.

All holders have a common Telegram channel with over 7,500 users where updates about the token are posted. Members are also allowed to discuss and suggest possible advances that contribute to the growth of SafeToken. As a commitment to this community's trust towards the coin, they get back advanced safety features in return.

The project is only at the beginning. There is a huge potential in it, and it will turn out enjoyable to watch how things will gradually evolve. Here is a guide you can watch to find out more on the token

SafeToken Tokenomics

SafeToken is still new and growing. However, its records are commendable. Based on statistics posted on their website on the 21st of April 2020, the coin has a market capitalization of about $12 million and a value of $0.00000003 per coin. It has more than 29,000 holders around the globe and a total of $420 trillion in circulation.

SafeToken Future Prospects

SafeToken is not a pump & dump coin. They have a realistic vision and a precise road map on their strategy for development and aim to expand their entire ecosystem. Their road map is centered on the possibility for future growth and expansion.

With new launches such as a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) marketplace and partnerships with PIG Finance and other partners, SafeToken is projected to grow substantially to accommodate more holders.

The token also aims at influencers and advanced marketing techniques to promote the wide knowledgeability of different users to promote wide adoption and use worldwide. With its advanced safety features, the token is sure to win the trust of many new users, which will be the leading factor to its acceptance as a modern-day investment option.

Other factors to influence SafeToken's growth in the second half of 2021 include:

CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap listings

Small-mid tier exchange listings

Third-party yield farming plans

Upgrades to website

New partnership announcements

Expansion of ecosystem

Release of first white paper

Large tier exchange listings

SafeToken held its first meme contest in March 2021, but ideally, it cannot be said to be a meme coin but rather a cryptocurrency with an achievable vision. There are not many coins in the market that guarantee the level of safety offered by SafeToken.


With that said, you now know all you need about SafeToken. It is indeed a viable investment worth every penny of an investor willing to grow financially. Most user reviews also recommend the token, and it will be a success.

SafeToken is barely old enough in the cryptocurrency world, but it continues to record positive progress. With its rating as 100% safe, summarized from the three-audits results, it has also managed to achieve about 30,000 users from around the world. More than 95% of its liquidity, as well as about 50% of the coin's supply, has been burnt.

All new users can join this growing community-driven cryptocurrency and easily earn income without doing a thing. All they are required to do is visit the official SafeToken website and purchase the cryptocurrency. The buy option is at the top right corner that redirects Pancakeswap Finance, where you can buy these coins or even exchange them for other tokens.