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HODLME Review – A BNB Reflection Token

The decentralized financial space is experiencing massive growth as more innovative ideas emerge. Undoubtedly, decentralized projects are providing users with a taste of financial freedom. HODLME represents one of the projects in the sector hoping to generate wealth for its investors. The platform operates as a BNB reflection token running on the Binance Smart Chain. Tokens that apply the reflection mechanism usually play the role of a self-generating digital asset.

Thus, investors can secure passive incomes automatically by holding the digital token. What's more, projects can reward their investors with a portion of the transaction tax. HODLME applies the same idea in its operations, allowing users to earn BNBs by holding the HODM asset. The following review covers what users can expect from the HODLME project.

HODLME has several features which aim at benefiting every investor in the digital asset economy. They include:

Holders' Rewards
The HODLME project enables investors to make a living from its native asset. It distributes 30% of the sell transaction shares to anyone who holds HODM. Users can earn more BNB rewards when they hold a large amount of HODM tokens. More importantly, long-term holders have the highest potential of accumulating more BNBsthano medium-term investors. In a traditional yield farming setup, users have to rely on a centralized pool to generate returns. HODLME's structure works differently since investors receive BNB returns directly from their wallets.

Staking is another product on HODLME whereby users take part in locking their digital assets to earn profits. The project further guarantees that the staking exercise will run on a secure and transparent contract. As such, users can remain at peace when they dedicate their assets on HODLME's staking function.

HODLME supports a unique game that allows users to interact and earn from playing. Investors have  a chance of testing their token holding skills through the game. Users first start by selecting their preferable opponents from the project. Choosing an opponent may determine the game's outcome since users with more tokens could end up selling their holdings.

Investors win the game once competitors sell the digital tokens. Asides from one-on-one matches, a HODLME user can also challenge multiple opponents. Competing with many users creates room for bigger prizes, making the game more enjoyable for holders in the long run.

Blockchain Technology
HODLME is a decentralized project built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). A blockchain network brings various benefits to the BNB reflection token. Today, distributed ledgers such as Ethereum charge users heavy fees to process transactions. At the same time, transactional processes may experience delays when more users join the network.

Applying BSC as the underlying technology enables HODLME investors to trade on an affordable and fast network. Moreover, users can buy/sell their tokens without relying on a central authority. Blockchains prioritize an investor's security as a bonus because every participant is trading anonymously. 

Such privacy features help safeguard HODLME investors from identity theft cases. To boost its security and trust, the project previously went through a KYC/auditing procedure courtesy of SolidProof. Auditing ensures that the project's code is free from errors that could harm an investor. On the other hand, KYC evaluates HODLME's team for financial-related crimes.

The Background Team
The HODLME team consists of diverse individuals skilled in different fields. The individuals include blockchain experts, business people, and IT professionals. 

Token Details
HODM is a BEP-20 digital token with a total supply of 100B. The project charges a 12% tax on every buy transaction. Out of the buy tax rates, 1% goes to charity initiatives, while 5% caters to marketing activities. Auto liquidity accounts for the remaining 6% of the buy tax charge. 

HODLME intends to dedicate 53% of the tokens to the community in the distribution chart. Staking and team marketing take up 10%, while private sale uses 19% of the supply. Lastly, airdrops and game rewards will account for 5% and 3%, respectively. A presale event will occur on December 8, 2021, followed by a token launch. 

How to Buy
HODLME provides investors with a simple buying procedure. Users can only acquire the tokens with other digital assets such as ETH or BTC. Therefore, the first step requires investors to send BNB from an exchange to their respective wallets. From there, users can swap the BNB amount for HODM tokens. Afterward, investors need to select from the project's strategies which comprises paper hand, diamond hand, and gamers.

The project is currently halfway through accomplishing some of its objectives. The completed activities include private sale, team assembly, and token creation/testing. HODLME plans on releasing its stake and game feature in the coming days. Marketing is another objective on HODLME's planner, which targets to start in December 2021. By 2022, the project looks forward to making donations from the charity wallet. Token holders are responsible for deciding which charitable donations they can make. Users can further expect a direct buy option on the platform's website. 

The technological world is expanding and introducing new concepts in the digital asset market. Blockchains are providing projects with a financial solution capable of securing the investors' holdings. HODLME takes advantage of such a network to generate passive BNB returns for holders. Its unique tax system is in place to reward HODM investors through the buy transaction charges. As a result, users can earn their BNB profits without applying any technical effort. 

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